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Fewer than 1% of schools have full policies on second languages language learning and English

A tiny fraction of schools in England – about three in every 500 – have whole-school policies which address foreign languages English usage and integrating students who speak English as an additional language (EAL) new research indicates. Read the full story.

Inaugural leadership forum for heritage language schools launched in Cambridge

Cambridge has become home to the first leadership forum for community-based ‘supplementary’ education informal schools which provide extra education for children from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds.Read the full story.

Inaugural leadership forum for heritage language schools launched in Cambridge

Cambridge has become home to the first leadership forum for community-based ‘supplementary’ education informal schools which provide extra education for children from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds.Read the full story.

Disadvantaged children’s struggles at school have “little to do” with character attitude or a lack of ‘growth mindset’

A global study of 240000 students challenges the widespread policy conviction that bridging the academic gap between rich and poor students hinges on improving the latter’s work ethic mindset and socio-emotional skills.Read the full story.

Boom and bust? Millennials aren’t all worse off than Baby Boomers, but the rich-poor gap is wider

Millennials a generation often characterised as less wealthy than their parents are not uniformly worse off than their Baby Boomer counterparts according to new research. They are however contending with a “vast and increasing” wealth gap due to the uneven financial rewards reaped from different life and career paths compared with their Boomer predecessors. This creates the impression that as a generation they are losing out.Read the full story.