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REAL: Events

REAL Centre Upcoming Events

Symposium on Transformative Education: Shifting Gender Social Norms In and Through Education

An expert panel bringing together researchers and government representatives will explore the contribution of CAMFED’s Learner Guide model to improving outcomes for marginalised girls in Tanzania (Learner Guides are young women often CAMFED education graduates who mentor students in their communities). The panel will also discuss the prospects for scaling such an intervention in national school systems in Tanzania and across the region.

The symposium will take place on Wednesday 29 May 2024 11am-3:30pm BST.

This is an in-person event with the option to join online. Location: Donald McIntyre Building 184 Hills Road Cambridge CB2 8PQ.

You must register through our Eventbrite page. Event details and a reminder will be emailed out in the days leading up to the seminar.

Image removed. Programme for 29 May symposium

Keynote Speaker:
  • Alicia Herbert OBE Director of Education Gender and Equality and the UK’s Special Envoy for Gender Equality FCDO

Other speakers include:

  • Hon Julia Gillard AC former Prime Minister of Australia and Chair of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership
  • Lawrence John Sanga Assistant Director Policy & Planning Policy and Planning Department Research and Innovation Section Ministry of Education Science and Technology Tanzania
  • Dr Sempeho Siafu Director of Academics Tanzania Institute of Adult Education
  • Stephen Twigg Secretary-General Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and Chair of the Council for Education in the Commonwealth
  • Lydia Wilbard Executive Director: Learning & Engagement CAMFED

Presentations from Dar Es Salaam research team:

  • Dr Lulu Mahai Dr Nkanileka Mgonda and Dr Rose Mwaipopo

Professor Pauline Rose and Dr Luisa Ciampi will act as facilitators for the discussion throughout the day.

This event is organised by the REAL Centre at the Faculty of Education University of Cambridge the Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED) and the Institute of Gender Studies at the University of Dar Es Salaam Tanzania.

REAL Centre Past Events

REAL Centre at UKFIET 2023 conference

UKFIET conference details: Education for Social and Environmental Justice: Diversity Sustainability Responsibility 7 12-14 September 2023 online and in Oxford

REAL Centre sessions in conference programme: Online text only list or Download UKFIET Conference Programme 2023

A Cambridge event with the Yidan Prize Foundation

Creating an Equitable Future through Education:
An event showcasing transformational work in education research and practice in the context of COVID and climate change with a focus on girls’ education.

  • Date and Time: Thursday 7 October 2021 9:00-16:15 BST.
  • Full programme with speaker bios:Read the full programme with details of all speakers.

Catch up on the event via Jesus College's YouTube page

Image removed.

About the Conference

The Yidan Prize Foundation the University of Cambridge and CAMFED co-hosted a conference to showcase transformational work in education research and practice with a focus on girls’ education.

Conference theme

The theme of the event was on the global challenges facing education today as we consider the inequalities exposed by the pandemic and the disruption exacerbated by climate change which disproportionately affects women and girls. There was be a focus on the efforts and partnerships to find solutions in reaching the most marginalised young people and in re-imagining quality education for all.

Sessions that the event will cover:

  • inclusive education through disruption exacerbated by the pandemic and climate change
  • education and mental health in challenging times
  • cross-sector support and financing for global education


The conference will bring together global policymakers educationalists foundation heads leading academics and activists.

CAMFED Co-Executives Lucy Lake and Angeline Murimirwa—2020 Yidan Prize for Education Development laureates—will join discussions about keeping marginalised learners in education. They’ll share what they’ve learned about getting—and keeping—girls in school with CAMFED’s Patron Julia Gillard AC former Chair of the Global Partnership for Education and 27th Prime Minister of Australia.

The panels and keynotes will feature speakers including HRH Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands Professor Pauline Rose of the REAL Centre at the University of Cambridge and Professor Usha Goswami and Dr Erum Mariam who are members and representatives of the Yidan Prize Foundation’s Council of Luminaries.

Image removed.

Book Launch – Reforming Education and Challenging Inequalities in Southern Contexts: Research and Policy in International Development. A tribute to Christopher Colclough

Date and Time: 11th May 1:00PM- 2:30PM (UK BST)

Book launch event to celebrate the work of the late Christopher Colclough who as a leading figure in education and international development played a key role in the global fight for education for all children. At the launch the book editors provided an overview of the book. Authors of the chapters all of whom knew Christopher and his inspirational work well were present to answer questions from the audience.

A 20% discount is available for the hard cover version of [pdf] this book on Reforming Education and the e-book. Please use the code FLY21 when ordering either of these versions. With this discount the e-book costs £29.59.

The 20% discount can also be used for other books in the series: see [pdf] Education Poverty and International Development book series.

Book by Routledge: Visit Routledge for more information on the book and open access to the Foreword and four chapters.

See full list of chapters and authors below. Chapters 1 6 7 and 12 are available open access.

REAL Centre launch in collaboration with CAMFED

Date: 16 June 2015

The need for the REAL centre is pressing. It will make a difference in helping us to understand what works to make education more equitable. It will generate much light to educate every child including every girl. The REAL centre will be one of real achievement.

The Honourable Julia Gillard 27th Prime Minister of Australia

Watch highlights of the opening event on YouTube.

Video link to REAL Centre Opening Event

You can also read about our launch event in a University of Cambridge news article: Cambridge gets REAL about overcoming obstacles to global education.

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