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UKFIET Conference 2023 - Programme

Conference Schedule

Thursday 7 September – online only

Symposium Online Room 1
Decolonisation discourses and realities; an exploration of global partnership working through a decolonising lens within research pedagogic design and community engagement in Ethiopia Somalia Zimbabwe and Sierra Leone
Discussant: Yusuf Sayed

Online Room 4
Early childhood education crisis and conflict
Understanding access to and learning outcomes from ECE among refugees and non-refugee populations in Uganda: A cross-cohort comparison
Bea Simpson Goretti Nakabugo

Tuesday 12 September

East School
Crisis and conflict in Ethiopia
Intersectionality and crises: Impacts on education outcomes in Ethiopia
Mesele Araya Ricardo Sabates Kefyalew Endale

Symposium South School
From elitist and exclusionary academic networks to a liberatory paradigm
Maha Shuayb

Creative Session Room 9
Reflecting on 40 years of work on Education Systems Strengthening: lessons learnt and where do we go next?
Mesele Araya

Symposium NFER – Room 11
Promoting inclusive knowledge production and evidence by African researchers in local and international policy engagements
Samuel Asare Hélène Binesse Daniel Hawkins Iddrisu Asyia Kazmi Eunice Mueni Williams

Wednesday 13 September

Symposium South School
Building resilience in national systems: lessons learnt from non-formal education and supporting out-of-school girls
Monazza Aslam Shenila Rawal

Higher education and crises Room 10
An exploratory study into the experiences of university students amidst the socio-political and economic crisis in Sri Lanka
Smriti Khemka Neema Jayasinghe Denanjalee Gunaratne

Gender and decolonisation Room 14
Acts of ‘unconscious’ feminism: unpacking the life-histories of four Pakistani headteachers
Camilla Hadi Chaudhary

Room 15
Supporting children with disabilities to navigate the ‘hurdles and jumps’ in Sri Lanka Pakistan and Uganda
Towards an equitable Deaf education in Sri Lanka: Identifying the ‘hurdles and jumps’
Thilanka Wijesinghe

NFER - Room 11
Forefronting peer support within teacher professional development Improving teaching quality in Rwandan secondary schools: Supporting teachers to create more equitable learning environments
Dawit Tiruneh Kangabe Bélise Hategeka Lydie Shima

Symposium Room 15
Effectiveness of Accelerated Education Programs across West Africa: with a focus on equity cost effectiveness and institutional uptake/scalability
Chair: Ricardo Sabates

BAICE Presidential Address South School
BAICE Presidential Address
Reimagining inclusive education: multiplicities of seeing doing and being
Nidhi Singal

Girls’ Education Challenge Event in North School
Pauline Rose Monazza Aslam Shenila Rawal Laraib Niaz Nidhi Singal Asma Zubairi

Thursday 14 September

Symposium Room 1
Unpacking ‘learning through play’: Its meaning tensions and implications for holistic learning and development in diverse contexts
Domnick Okullo Dina Fajardo Tovar Stephanie Nowack Stephen Bayley

Symposium Room 10
Digging deeper: context-informed programming needs qualitative information on the drivers of exclusion
Asma Zubairi Laraib Niaz

Symposium Room 6 And online
Improving delivery: Lessons from the DeliverEd cross-country research programme
Discussant: Pauline Rose

Symposium Room 7
Decolonising education and development: curricula data and purpose
Kathryn Moeller

Room 15
Methods and analysis
Critical quantitative education research in Peru: decolonising analyses of Indigenous children’s learning outcomes
Miriam Broeks