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REAL: Publications

Book shelves full of books


This page lists publications published by the REAL Centre from across our research projects and includes:

  • Papers for the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) on girls' education
  • REAL Centre Research and Policy Paper series
  • Laterite-REAL Centre series for the Leaders in Teaching initiative
  • Other REAL Centre papers including policy notes synthesis papers and methodological notes
  • Reforming Education book and Routledge series

Blogs can be found on our Blogs page here.

Further publications including journal articles book chapters etc. can be found on the relevant project pages.

Papers for the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) on girls' education

These publications were commissioned by the FCDO to support the evidence base on girls' education.

Exploring the school to work transition for adolescent girls
Report for the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office Rose P. 2021
Full Report
News Article (PDF version)

Transformative political leadership to promote 12 years of quality education for all girls
Rose P. Gordon R. Marston L. Zubairi A. and Downing P. 2020
Policy Note
Full Report
News Article

12 Years of quality education for all girls: A Commonwealth perspective
Gordon R. Marston L. Rose P. and Zubairi A. 2019
One page overview
Full Report
News article

REAL Centre Research and Policy Paper series

The publications below include papers that have been published as part of the REAL Centre Research and Policy Paper series. These have been written by REAL Centre members in collaboration with other research partners.

Research on improving systems of education (RISE) Ethiopia: Impact study
Araya M. Tiruneh D.T. Rose P. Sabates R. and Woldehanna T. June 2024
Research and Policy Paper No. 24/1

Literacy retention and language preferences for girls and boys during school closures: Lessons from Complementary Basic Education in Ghana for post COVID-19 schooling
Akyeampong K. Carter E. Rose P. Ryan J. Sabates R. and Stern J. 2020
Research and Policy Paper No. 20/12

The implications of COVID-19 on early learning continuity in Ethiopia: Perspectives of parents and caregivers Kim J. Araya M. Ejigu C. Hagos B. Rose P. and Woldehanna T. 2020
Research and Policy Paper No. 20/11

The effects of COVID-19 on primary education in Ethiopia: Perspectives of school principals and teachers Yorke L. Rose P. Hagos B. and Woldehanna T. 2020
Research and Policy Paper No. 20/10

Video recordings of classroom observations: Using the Teach tool in Rwandan secondary schools
Carter E. Rose P. Ani-Asamoah B. Leonard P. and Colenbrander K. 2020
Research and Policy Paper 20/09

Using educational transitions to estimate learning loss due to Covid-19 school closures: The case of Complementary Basic Education in Ghana
Sabates R. Carter E. and Stern J. 2020
Research and Policy Paper No. 20/8

The effect of private schooling on learning outcomes in South Asia and East Africa: A within-family approach
Gruijters R. J. Alcott B. and Rose P. 2020
Research and Policy Paper No. 20/7

Accountability from the grassroots: Children’s foundational reading and arithmetic in Sitapur District Uttar Pradesh
Sabates R. Bhattacharjea S. and Wadhwa W. 2020
Research and Policy Paper No. 20/6

Assessment for action: An organic free-range approach to raising learning for all
Alcott B. Rose P. Sabates. R Cherfils M. and Alonso M. L. 2018
Research and Policy Paper No. 18/5

Experience and lessons of learning intervention programmes across the PAL Network members
Alcott B. Rose P. Sabates. R Alonso M. L. and Cherfils M. 2018
Research and Policy Paper No. 18/4

The voices of reason: Learning from Syrian refugee students in Jordan
Salem H. 2018
Research and Policy Paper No. 18/3

Cost-effectiveness with equity: Raising learning for marginalised girls through Camfed’s programme in Tanzania
Sabates R. Rose P. Delprato M. and Alcott B. 2018
Research and Policy Paper No. 18/2

Identifying disability in household surveys: Evidence on education access and learning for children with disabilities in Pakistan
Bari F. Malik R. Rose P. and Singal N. 2018
Research and Policy Paper No. 18/1

Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Paper Series

We regularly publish research and policy papers for a series produced through a collaboration between the REAL Centre and Laterite as learning partners for the Mastercard Foundation’s Leaders in Teaching initiative. These can all be found on the Leaders In Teaching project page.

Other REAL Centre papers

The publications listed here include other REAL Centre papers including policy reports synthesis papers and methodological notes.

Early Learning in Ethiopia: Effects of pre-primary education on school readiness. Early Learning Partnership Ethiopia Phase 2 report
Kim J. Araya M. Ejigu C. Hagos B. Hoddinott J. Rose P. Teferra T. and Woldehanna T. 2022

Girls’ Education Challenge research feasibility study
Aslam M. Gordon R. Rawal S. Rose P. and Watson J. 2020
Full Report

General versus girl-targeted interventions: A false dichotomy? A response to Evans and Yuan
Rose P. and Yorke L. 2019

Mapping the landscape of education research by scholars based in sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from the African Education Research Database
Rose P. Downing P. Asare S. and Mitchell R. 2019
Synthesis report

Literature search protocol for the Evidence hub: Education partnerships between the state and non-state sector
Downing P. and Rose P. 2019
Methodological note

Addressing transitions into public schools for children undertaking Complementary Basic Education in Ghana
Carter E. Sabates R. and Rose P. 2019

Assessing the effects of English language support for children undertaking Complementary Basic Education in Ghana
Carter E. Sabates R. and Akyeampong K. 2018

Assessing economic educational and aspirational trajectories five years after completing Complementary Basic Education in Ghana
Carter E. Sabates R. and Rose P. 2018

Understanding Complementary Basic Education in Ghana: Investigation of the experiences and achievements of children after transitioning into public schools
Akyeampong K. Carter E. Higgins S. Rose P. and Sabates R. 2018

Early learning in Ethiopia: Equitable access and learning. System diagnostic report for World Bank Early Learning Program
Rossiter J. Hagos B. Rose P. Teferra T. and Woldehanna T. 2018

Literature search protocol for the African Education Research Database
Mitchell R. and Rose P. 2018
Methodological Note

The transitions adolescent girls face: Education in conflict-affected settings
Salem H. 2018
Literature Review

Analysing cost‐effectiveness of raising learning for marginalised girls through Camfed’s programme
Delprato M. Alcott B. Rose P. and Sabates R. 2017
Methodological Note

Reforming Education book and Routledge series

Reforming education and challenging inequalities in Southern contexts: Research and policy in international development
Rose P. Arnot M. Jeffery R. and Singal N. (Eds.) 2021
Education Poverty & International Development (EPID): Routledge Series
(Chapters 1 6 7 and 12 are open access)

Education Poverty & International Development (EPID): Routledge Series.
Series Editors: Madeleine Arnot.
Further information about books in this series.

For more information on other publications please contact the REAL Centre.