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REAL: Domestic Aid and Private Sector Finance

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To achieve excellence for all education systems need sufficient resources that are distributed equitably. Domestic resources are the most important source of funds for the vast majority of education systems but they are finite and sometimes unevenly distributed. International aid is a small part of global education finance but it has an important role to play in meeting the needs of some of the poorest countries. In addition there is growing private sector awareness of the need to share financial responsibility for education in order to promote a skilled workforce.

Research will identify how best to leverage additional domestic resources through effective and fair tax systems in poor countries. It will investigate how to ensure these funds are allocated in ways that reach the most disadvantaged. It will also identify the most effective ways to mobilise and allocate resources from external sources to promote social transformation.

pencil in a book near word educationFinancing of Education in Pakistan

The research on education financing in Pakistan highlights the particular financing challenges facing a country with the second largest number of children out of school and facing a serious learning crisis.

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