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Activity Based Learning evaluation in India

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Evaluation of the Activity Based Learning programme Tamil Nadu India

Project summary

Tamil Nadu’s Activity Based Learning programme represents a significant departure from conventional pedagogical practices in Indian classrooms. This project comprising a multi-disciplinary team of researchers is focused on undertaking an evaluation of the programme’s pedagogic features impact on student outcomes and political economy.

Research team

Principal Investigator: Dr Shailaja Fennell Centre for Development Studies University of Cambridge

Co-Investigators: Dr Nidhi Singal University of Cambridge; Professor Anna Vignoles University of Cambridge

Associated Researchers: Dr Monazza Aslam Institute of Education/University of Oxford; Professor Malathy Duraisamy IIT Madras; Professor Geeta Kingdon Institute of Education; Professor David Pedder University of Leicester; Dr Shenila Rawal Institute of Education

Research Assistants; Mr. Govindarasan M IIT Madras; Mr. Shanmugam M IIT Madras; Ms. Shakthi Manickavasagam University of Cambridge

Country Partners: IIT Madras; Centre for Development Studies University of Cambridge; University of Leicester


June 2014 - June 2015


Department for International Development (DFID)


ABL pedagogy in schools and classrooms in two districts in Tamil Nadu
Singal N Pedder D. Duraisamy M. Manickavasagam S. Shanmugam M. and Govdinrajan M. 2016
Evaluation Report

The Trajectory of Learning: the study of ABL in Tamil Nadu India
Aslam M. Rawal S. Vignoles A. Duraisamy M. and Shanmugam M. 2016
Learning Report

The Political Economy of the Scale up of the ABL programme in Tamil Nadu
Bedi J. and Kingdon G. 2016
Political Economy Report

Dissemination and Scaling up of the Activity Based Learning Programme
Fennell S. Duraisamy M. and Shanmugam M. 2016
Dissemination Report

Further information

Full Reports from the project can be accessed on the UK Government Research for Development Outputs website.