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Girls' secondary education in Tanzania

Girls in school playground

Reaching marginalised secondary school girls through CAMFED’s programme in Tanzania

Project summary

At the Girls’ Education Forum in London in July 2016 the Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge announced the REAL Centre’s commitment to a partnership with CAMFED a non-governmental organisation that aims to provide good quality education to marginalised girls. This commitment was to analyse the true cost of supporting a marginalised girl through secondary school and improving her learning. This will provide a reference point for the global community ensuring that no girl is left behind in the drive for quality education for all.

CAMFED’s programme adopts a multi-dimensional approach that is aimed at reaching marginalised girls at risk of dropping out from secondary schools by using interventions that are aimed at both increasing their changes of staying in school and learning.

Drawing on quantitative data generated under FCDO’s Girls’ Education Challenge together with data collected through qualitative fieldwork the CAMFED-REAL partnership intends to provide an evidence base on what works to support girls’ secondary education with a focus on Tanzania in particular. It assesses the potential for cost-effectively scaling a community-led approach to targeting support to marginalised girls to improve their retention and learning at secondary level.

Research team

Principal Investigator: Professor Pauline Rose

Co-Investigators: Dr Ben Alcott; Professor Ricardo Sabates

Research Associate: Dr Marcos Delprato

Research Assistants: Ms Lisa Walker; Dr Asma Zubairi


June 2016 – August 2017


Echnida Giving; FCDO Girls’ Education Challenge (via CAMFED)


Cost-effectiveness with equity: Raising learning for marginalised girls through Camfed’s programme in Tanzania
Sabates R. Rose P. Delprato M. and Alcott B. 2018
Research and Policy Paper No. 18/2

Analysing cost‐effectiveness of raising learning for marginalised girls through CAMFED’s programme
Delprato M. Alcott B. Rose P. and Sabates R. 2017
Methodological Note

‘A girl without education is nothing in the world. Education is everything'
Walsh L. 2017
University of Cambridge Research Horizons 32

Targeted multidimensional approaches to overcome inequalities in secondary education: Case study of CAMFED in Tanzania
Alcott B. Rose P. and Sabates R. 2016
Background paper for the Learning Generation Education Commission

Other media

Spill-over effects show hidden value of prioritising education of poorest children and marginalised girls
University of Cambridge Faculty of Education News November 2020

University of Cambridge study: Girls’ education must be global priority
Camfed News 2019

How effective is your donation? Research can help find the answers
University of Cambridge Alumni News

Girls’ Education Forum 2016: An equal right to education
Summary of Commitments

Further information

See CAMFED’s website: CAMFED