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Inclusive schooling in India

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Role of inclusive schooling in enhancing the wellbeing of children with disabilities in Karnataka India

Projet summary

The research carried out in government schools in rural Karnataka India aims to investigate the impact of mainstream schools and other educational provision on the learning experiences and social outcomes of children with disabilities. Using a community-based approach this primarily qualitative research aims to undertake a systemic examination of the experiences of children with disabilities and their parents as they negotiated schooling processes.

Research team

Principal Investigator: Dr Nidhi Singal University of Cambridge

Research Assistant: Ms Aanchal Jain Independent Researcher

Advisors: Dr Anand S.N. Mobility India; Dr Elspeth Page CBM UK

Country Partners: CBM India; Mobility India


School and disability in rural India: need to support entry engagement and empowerment. Cambridge: University of Cambridge and CBM
Singal N. 2014
Technical Report (available on request from Professor Nidhi Singal>)