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Primary PGCE : Professional Studies

Professional Studies Curricullum Pillars info graphicCambridge Primary PGCE Professional Studies Curriculum Pillars <text description>
The greatest thing about all the lectures and seminars is that it is focusing on how to involve all children engage everyone and help to provide lessons that empower children.

Professional Studies aims and values

The Professional Studies course underpins the PGCE programme and engages with the aims and values of early and general primary education. It is designed around 5 key pillars:

  1. Professional Identity
  2. Behaviour for Learning
  3. Equality Diversity and Inclusion
  4. Assessment and Pupil Progress
  5. Understanding Learning.

Incorporating Government policy and new initiatives

Government policy and new initiatives at national and local level are incorporated within sessions. A series of lectures seminars and school-based input provide the basis on which trainees develop and reflect upon their understanding of the principles and practice of teaching and learning.

The content and timing of the course are designed to support trainees in their progressively more demanding roles on teaching placements and in every seminar trainees are encouraged to share and reflect on their experiences during school placements.

The Faculty is always looking at ways to improve teaching and learning and involving trainees in this helps trainees to become reflective teachers capable of progressing this profession in the future.

Delivered by international experts

International experts deliver lecture content and seminars are led by tutors with wide-ranging school and research experience. Seminars offer opportunities for small group discussion and reflection to build on observations and experiences in school.

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Primary PGCE





