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Dissemination and Publications

Details of Project Dissemination and Output

The following notes are from round tables conducted during the second and third phase of the project. The aim was to present some preliminary findings from the research and provide an opportunity for discussion and networking. Detailed notes from each round table event are below.

Round table discussions and notes pdfs

Dissemination Event at NUGSE

The project concluded with a dissemination event in Astana. Watch the video from Kazakh television below.


Winter L. Hernández-Torrano D. McLellan R. Almukhambetova A. & Hajdukova-Brown E. (2020). A contextually adapted model of school engagement in Kazakhstan. Current Psychology.

Hernández-Torrano D. (2019). Mapping Global Research on Child Well-Being in School Contexts: A Bibliometric and Network Analysis (1978–2018). Child Indicators Research.

Cohen Miller A. S. Faucher C. Hernández Torrano D. & Hajdukova-Brown E. (2017). Practical steps for using interdisciplinary educational research to enhance cultural awareness. International Journal of Research & Method in Education. DOI: 10.1080/1743727X.2017.1310834

Brown-Hajdukova E. B. Winter L. & McLellan R. (2017). Young people’s conceptualization of their wellbeing: culturally situated understandings in the context of Kazakhstan. Health 9 1542-1566. DOI: 10.4236/health.2017.911114.


Faucher C. CohenMiller A. S. Hajdukova E. B. & Kurakbayev K. (2017 August). Conducting international collaborative research on students’ wellbeing in Kazakhstani schools: Research strategies in diverse cultural contexts. Paper presented at European Conference for Educational Research Copenhagen Denmark.

Hajdukova E.B Winter L. & McLellan R. (2017 May). Wellbeing in for and around school. Paper presented at The British Psychology Society Annual Conference Brighton United Kingdom.

Winter L. Hajdukova E.B & McLellan R. (2017 May). School engagement and wellbeing of secondary students in Kazakhstan: a mixed method study. Paper presented at The British Psychology Society Annual Conference Brighton United Kingdom.

Hajdukova E. B. Winter L. & McLellan R. (2017 April). Capturing and conceptualising young people's wellbeing using culturally sensitive tools. Paper presented at Public Mental Health event: Linking Cambridge researchers and policy and decision-makers Cambridge United Kingdom.

Faucher C. Tynbayeva M. Hernandez-Torrano D. Cohen-Miller A. S. & Kurakbayev K. (2017 March). School psychologists in context: Perception challenges and interaction in mainstream Kazakhstan’s secondary schools. Paper presented at Comparative and International Education Society Conference Atlanta Georgia.

Hernández-Torrano D. Winter L. & McLellan R. (2016 October). Developing a holistic context-specific model to study young people's wellbeing in Kazakhstan. Paper presented at VII NIS International Research-to-Practice Conference Astana Kazakhstan.

Faucher C. Cohen-Miller A. S. Hernández-Torrano D. Kurakbayev K. & Tynybayeva M. (2016 August). Conceptualizing Wellbeing: A Grounded Theory Study of Kazakhstani School Psychologists. Paper presented at European Conference for Educational Research Dublin Ireland.

McLellan R. Winter L. Torrano D. Hajdukova E.B. & Kurakbayev K. (2016 August). Mapping young people’s wellbeing in Kazakhstan. Paper presented at European Conference for Educational Research Dublin Ireland.

Winter L. McLellan R. & Torrano D. (2016 April). A model of wellbeing in the post-soviet context of Kazakhstan. Paper presented at British Psychology Society Annual Conference Nottingham United Kingdom.

Hajdukova E. B. (2016 April). Kazakhstani secondary school students' voices on their. Paper presented at British Psychology Society Annual Conference Nottingham United Kingdom.

Hajdukova E. B. Faucher C. CohenMiller A.S. & Kurakbayev K (2016). Culturally sensitive research into students' wellbeing: Lessons from the first phase of a research project in Kazakhstan. Paper presented at Comparative and International Education Society Conference Vancouver Canada.

Winter L. McLellan R. & Torrano D. (2016 March). From the UK to Kazakhstan: Understanding adapting and measuring school students' wellbeing and engagement in schools. Paper presented at Comparative and International Education Society Conference Vancouver Canada.

McLellan R. Winter L. Hajdukova E.B Hernández-Torrano D. Faucher C. & Kurakbayev K. (2015 October). Exploring young people’s well-being in Kazakhstan. Paper presented at VI NIS International Research-to-Practice Conference Astana Kazakhstan.

Seminars & Presentations

McLellan R. Winter L. & Hernández-Torrano D. (2016). ‘Conceptualising adapting and measuring young people’s wellbeing in secondary schools in Kazakhstan.’ 22 November Faculty of Education University of Cambridge United Kingdom.

Hajdukova E.B.(2016). ‘Young people’s conceptualisation(s) of their wellbeing.’ 22 November Faculty of Education University of Cambridge United Kingdom.

Winter L. McLellan R. & Hajdukova E.B (2017) ‘Ethical considerations of a large-scale multi-phased study in Kazakhstan to explore concepts of wellbeing during adolescence.’ 4th Eurasian Research Forum Faculty of Education 17 March Cambridge United Kingdom.