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Education Psychology and Learning: Employability


Become a highly employable graduate

Studying Education Psychology and Learning at Cambridge will equip you with the skills you need to become a highly employable graduate. This track is accredited by the British Psychological Society which enables graduate basis for chartered membership. The track is an excellent precursor to a Master’s programme in Psychology and Education for example the Faculty of Education’s MEd course.

The Cambridge Careers Service provides exceptional support for all Cambridge students throughout their studies and even after they graduate. Their website provides detailed information about all career sectors and tips about how to break into these sectors.

Successful careers

Education graduates go on to a variety of successful careers and many choose to pursue further study. Graduates from Education Psychology and Learning might be particularly interested in the following careers/sectors:

  • Psychology and Education research and development
  • Working in the charity sector
  • Policy and government
  • Working in the health sector
  • Public sector work
  • Corporate training
  • Professional training in Psychology e.g. educational clinical occupational psychology
  • Counselling and psychotherapy careers
  • Social work
  • Further study and academia including doctoral study
  • Teaching

Exclusive careers events

The Careers Service runs a number of events exclusively for Cambridge students giving students the opportunity to develop their employability skills and meet potential employers. Examples include:

  • Graduate Schemes and Internships Event
  • Careers in Creative Industries Event
  • Work to Change the World Event
  • Skills and briefing sessions
  • Careers panels and talks
  • Employer-led skills sessions (e.g. sessions on how to tackle Assessment Centres for careers in the not-for-profit sector)

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