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Leaders in Teaching in Rwanda

School-based mentor for teachers Rwanda

Leaders in Teaching in Rwanda

Project summary

There is an urgent need to strengthen the quality and relevance of secondary-level teaching and learning in sub-Saharan Africa. This challenge has accelerated over the last couple of decades due to increased demand for secondary education the increasing number of jobs requiring knowledge and skills relevant to 21st century challenges the rapid growth of emerging economies and the introduction of new technologies. In response to these challenges the Mastercard Foundation’s Leaders in Teaching (LIT) Initiative aims to transform teaching and learning in secondary education across Africa so that young people can have the skills and competencies they need to succeed in work and life.

As learning partners on the LIT Initiative the REAL Centre in collaboration with Laterite a Rwandan-based research and advisory firm aims to develop robust quantitative and qualitative evidence on how the LIT programme is working overall to improve the quality of teaching and student learning in secondary schools particularly for those who are most at risk of not learning.

The LIT initiative aims to support teachers over the entire lifespan of their careers and engages multiple levels of the secondary education system. In doing this its interventions are structured around four pillars:

1. Recruit: Recruiting bright and committed young people into the teaching profession

2. Train: Supporting improvements to the quality of teaching and learning through strengthened teacher training and professional development

3. Lead: Strengthening educational leadership

4. Motivate: Promoting the teaching profession and motivating teachers through recognition and public engagement.

Evidence generated through this project will both be used to facilitate continuous improvement within the LIT programme as well as provide wider lessons for improving the quality of teaching other contexts.

Research team

Principal Investigator: Professor Pauline Rose

Co-Investigators: Professor Ricardo Sabates Professor Nidhi Singal

Senior Research Associate: Dr Tony Onwuegbuzie

Research Associate: Dr Emma Carter

Country Research Partner: Laterite

Leaders in Teaching Implementing Partners: African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS); Carnegie Mellon University Africa; Inspire Educate and Empower Rwanda (IEE); UNICEF; University of Rwanda-College of Education (UR-CE); VVOB-Education for Development


December 2018 - December 2023


Mastercard Foundation

Annual Learning Syntheses

Understanding the impact on teachers in Rwandan secondary schools since COVID-19 school closures
Laterite and the REAL Centre. 2023 English version and Kinyarwanda version

Understanding teaching quality in Rwandan secondary schools Learning from the Leaders in Teaching initiative 2020
Laterite and the REAL Centre. 2021
2020 Annual Learning Synthesis

Journal articles

‘A good teacher should…’: exploring student perceptions of teaching quality in Rwandan secondary education
Carter E. Kwok P.K.P. Shima L. and Singal N. 2023 International Journal of Adolescence and Youth Vol 28 Issue !

Changes in perceptions of teaching quality in secondary schools in Rwanda during the COVID-19 global pandemic and the subsequent closing and reopening of schools
Carter E. Leonard P. Onwuegbuzie A.J. Rose P. and Sabates S. 2023 Social Sciences & Humanities Open Volume 8 Issue 1

School leaders’ and teachers’ preparedness to support education in Rwanda during the COVID-19 emergency
Carter E. Cortez Ochoa A. A. Leonard P. Nzaramba S. and Rose P. December 2022 Journal on Education in Emergencies

Head teacher and government officials’ perceptions of teaching quality in secondary education in Rwanda
Carter E. Hategeka K.B. and Singh N. 2022 Educational Management Administration & Leadership

Perceptions of teaching quality in Rwandan secondary schools: A contextual analysis
Carter E. Onwuegbuzie A. Singal N. and van der Velde L. 2021
International Journal of Educational Research Volume 109

Research based on data from Leaders in Teaching programme

The effects of school closures in Rwandan secondary schools: Student retention teacher turnover and student numeracy test scores
Leonard P. Nzaramba S. Rose P. Rudasingwa M. and Sabates R. 2022
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series

Training school leaders to support teaching practice - evidence from March 2020
Cortez Ochoa A. Hategeka K.B. Leonard P. and Rose P. 2022
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series

Teaching quality in secondary education in Rwanda: Changing perspectives of STEM teachers before and after school closures
Carter E. Leonard P. Onwuegbuzie A. Rose P. and Sabates R. 2022
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series

STEM teacher and school leader engagement with continuous professional development in Rwanda since the outbreak of COVID-19
Cortez Ochoa A. A. Leonard P. and Rose P. 2022
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series

Teacher voices on teaching quality and learning outcomes in Rwanda
REAL Centre and Laterite 2022 Teacher Voices (Also published in Kinyarwanda)

Conducting rigorous and ethical educational research with young people in sub-Saharan Africa: A review of the literature
Kurian N. and Singal N. 2021
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series

School leadership and school quality in secondary education in Rwanda
Le Saux L. Leonard P. Onwuegbuzie A. Sabates R. and Stoelinga D. 2021
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series

Teaching quality in secondary education in Rwanda: Evidence from STEM teachers
Carter E. Leonard P. Onwuegbuzie A. J. Rose P. and Sabates R. 2021
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series

Understanding the drivers of numeracy assessment scores in Secondary 3 classes in 14 districts in Rwanda
Cheriyan P. Leonard P. Rose P. Sabates R. and Stoelinga D. 2021
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series

Teacher practices in Rwandan secondary mathematics classrooms: Findings from classroom observations
Carter E. and Rose P. 2021
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series

Growing enrolment static resources: Changes in school resources and infrastructure in relation to enrolment trends in Rwandan secondary schools
Khan Z. Leonard P. and Sabates R. 2020
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series

Using teacher assessments to understand teacher pedagogical knowledge in Rwanda
Ani-Asamoah B. Arenge G. Carter E. and Rose P. 2021.
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series

What makes a 'good teacher' and constitutes 'quality teaching': practitioner perspectives from Rwandan secondary schools
Carter E. Onwuegbuzie A. Singal N. and van der Velde L. 2021
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series

Effects of school closures on secondary school teachers and school leaders in Rwanda: Results from a phone survey
Carter E. Leonard P. Nzaramba S. and Rose P. 2021
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series.

Video recordings of classroom observations: Using the Teach tool in Rwandan secondary schools
Carter E. Rose P. Ani-Asamoah B. Leonard P. and Colenbrander K. 2020.
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series.

Other related Leaders in Teaching papers based on existing data

Gender gap in secondary schools in Rwanda: Evidence from national student assessments
Menon C. Leonard P. and Nzaramba S. 2021
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series

Continuous professional development of secondary school teachers in Rwanda: Evidence from a census of Rwandan secondary schools
Cheriyan P. Leonard P. Menon C. and Prigozhina D. 2021
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series

Leadership development in secondary school teachers in Rwanda: Evidence from a census of Rwandan secondary schools
Cheriyan P. Leonard P. Menon C. and Prigozhina D. 2021
Leaders in Teaching Research and Policy Series

Webinar Reports

What does ‘the new normal’ mean for teaching and learning quality in Rwandan secondary education? Summary of May 2021 learning webinar
Laterite and the REAL Centre at the University of Cambridge. 2020
Webinar Report

Situating equity in the context of secondary teaching and learning in Rwanda. Summary of November 2020 learning webinar
Laterite and the REAL Centre at the University of Cambridge. 2020
Webinar Report

Improving teaching quality in Rwanda in the context of COVID-19: Challenges and opportunities. Summary of July 2020 learning webinar
Laterite and the REAL Centre at the University of Cambridge. 2020
Webinar Report


Collecting data in Rwandan schools: A best practice guide
Jean Claude Rukundo and Tresor Rureshya Laterite 19 January 2023

Lessons learned from a North-South research partnership in Rwanda
Lydie Shima and Emma Carter UKFIET 18 October 2022

World Teachers' Day: Bringing teachers' voices into the discussion about teaching and learning in Rwanda
Laterite and REAL Centre UKFIET 5 October 2022

World Teachers' Day: Addressing teaching quality in Rwandan secondary education
Laterite and REAL Centre UKFIET 5 October 2021

Effects of school closures on secondary school teachers and leaders in Rwanda: Results from a phone survey
Laterite and REAL Centre UKFIET 12 January 2021

Celebrating World Teachers Day: Reflections from Leaders in Teaching initiative in Rwanda
Laterite and REAL Centre Laterite 2 October 2020

Using the Teach classroom observations tool in Rwanda
Laterite and REAL Centre Laterite 2 October 2020

Improving teaching quality in Rwanda during COVID-19: Emerging opportunities for learning and research
Laterite and REAL Centre Laterite 15 September 2020


How the Leaders in Teaching (LiT) programme improved Rwanda’s education?
Daniel Sabiiti Kigali Today (KT) Press 23 November 2023

Students in Rwanda confound pandemic predictions and head back to school
Faculty of Education 7 October 2022

Research Tools

Teacher pedagogical content knowledge test

Further information

For further information see the Mastercard Founsdation's website: Mastercard Foundation’s Leaders in Teaching Initiative.