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Cambridge Ukrainian School

Кембриджська українська школа Cambridge Ukrainian School

Cambridge Ukrainian School (Namysto) was established in March 2022 by the local community of Ukrainians and the international community that wanted to help Ukraine. Excursions and joint events and cultural exchanges are warmly welcomed. January 2023 for example brought together scholars from the University of Cambridge with Chinese visiting scholars for a joint celebration of the Lunar New Year. Over 200 children aged 3-16 are registered at the school.

We are led by Andrei Kirilenko Professor of Finance at the University of Cambridge Director of the Doctoral Programme and Founding Director of the Cambridge Centre for Finance Technology & Regulation (CCFTR) British-Iraqi Rend Platings Armed Forces of Ukraine accredited media expert who also investigates and exposes corruption as part of a Ukrainian public organisation and from Odessa Alina Ponomarenko.

Our Primary School meets on Saturdays during term time at Jesus Lane Friends Meeting House and our Secondary School has the privilege of learning at Emmanuel College.

Further information

For updated information please visit the Cambridge Ukrainian School pages: