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Cambridge Alliance Française

Alliance Française de Cambridge

logoThe Alliance Française is a charitable organisation present in 132 countries round the world teaching French to the highest level and promoting French and francophone culture. The Alliance Française de Cambridge’s mission is to encourage and develop knowledge of the French language and Francophone cultures in our society. We are an independent non-profit non-political non-religious non-discriminatory organisation.

We offer first-rate teaching and a varied and extensive array of social and cultural events linked to France and to French-speaking countries. We also cater for the growing number of French-speaking families with bilingual classes and GCSE and A level programmes. The Alliance Française de Cambridge offers classes aimed especially at children (11 years and over) who speak and understand French. Classes are open to all children bilingual in French of UK school year 7 and above; there is no need to sit an exam.

The academic programme of these specialist classes aims to improve proficiency in spoken and written French. The resources used for study are authentic documents relating to French and Francophone culture daily life and current affairs similar to those used in French schools. Grammar skills are also a priority. We aim to enhance students’ written and oral mastery of the language by studying and practising the various components of French grammar.

Classes are designed to develop the skills required for the DELF (Diplôme d’études en langue française)* in addition to meeting the requirements for British public exams (GCSE A-level IB). As an official exam centre for the DELF the L’Alliance Française de Cambridge offers students the significant benefit of teachers who are also experienced and qualified examiners licensed by the examining body the CIEP (Centre international d’études pédagogiques).