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Publications and Outputs: Journal Articles

Journal publications

  • Bridges D. (2015). Working without shame in international education: From consequentialism to casuistry? Ethics and Education 10:3 271-283.

  • Bridges D. (2014). The ethics and politics of the international transfer of educational policy and practice Ethics and Education 9:1 84-96.

  • Brownhill S. Ungarova T. & Bipazhanova A. (2016). ‘Jumping the first hurdle’: Framing action research questions using the Ice Cream Cone Model. Action Research Journal.

  • Cohen Miller A.S. Faucher C. & Hernández-Torrano D. & Hajdukova E.B. (in print). Practical steps for interdisciplinary cross-cultural educational research: Studying Wellbeing in the Kazakhstani School Context International Journal of Research & Method in Education.

  • Fimyar O. and Kurakbayev K. (2015). ‘Soviet’ in teachers' memories and professional beliefs in Kazakhstan: Points for reflection for reformers international consultants and practitioners International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 29:1 86-103.

  • Fimyar O. (2014). What is policy? In search of frameworks and definitions for non-Western contexts Educate 14:3

  • Fox A. & Wilson E. (2015). ‘Networking and the development of professionals: beginning teachers building social capital’. Teaching and Teacher Education 47 93 - 107.

  • McLaughlin C. & Ayubayeva N. (2015). ‘It is the research of self experience’: Feeling the value in action research. International Journal of Educational Action Research. 23:1 51-67.

  • Turner F. Brownhill S. Wilson E. and Sharimova A. (2016) The transfer of content knowledge in a cascade model of professional development Teacher Development: An international journal of teachers' professional development 21:2 175-191.

  • Yakavets N. (2017). Negotiating the Principles and Practice of School Leadership: the Kazakhstan Experience. Educational Management Administration and Leadership .Vol.45:3 pp.445-465

  • Yakavets N. Frost D. & Khoroshash A. (2017). School Leadership and Capacity Building in Kazakhstan International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory and Practice. Vol 20:3 pp.345-370.

  • Yakavets N. (2016). Societal culture and the changing role of school principals in the post-Soviet era: The case of Kazakhstan. Journal of Educational Administration 54:6 683-702

  • Yakavets N. (2014). Reforming society through education for gifted children: the case of Kazakhstan Research Papers in Education 29:5 513-533.

Conference Papers

  • Bridges D. & Kurakbayev K. (2014) 'Constructs of school autonomy in the discourses of school reform in Kazakhstan' – presented as part of the symposium “Institutional Autonomy and Educational Reform in Central Asia” at ECER 2-5 September Porto Portugal.

  • Brownhill S. (2015) Supporting Students' Reflective Capabilities Through Self-Reflective Shapes. Presentation given remotely as part of the «Modern forms and methods of evaluation of educational achievements of students: experience and prospects» Orleu conference 29 October Zhambyl region Kazakhstan.

  • Brownhill S. (2015) Supporting CoE Trainers’ Reflective Practice Through The Use Of Self-Reflective Shapes. Paper presented at ECER 7-11 September Corvinus University of Budapest Hungary.

  • Brownhill S. (2015) Supporting CoE Trainers’ Reflective Practice Through The Use of Self-Reflective Shapes. Paper presented at Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA) 7-8 July University of Leeds UK.

  • Brownhill S. (2015) ‘The fear of failure’: CoE trainers and the anxiety of ‘getting it wrong’. Presentation given at the 2015 Educational Forum for Central Asia 25th March University of Sussex Brighton UK.

  • Brownhill S. (2014) ''Reflecting on reflection': An exploration of trainers' perceptions of reflective practice in Kazakhstan". Individual paper presented at ECER 2-5 September Porto Portugal.

  • Brownhill S. (2014) 'Reflecting on reflection': An exploration of trainers' perceptions of reflective practice in Kazakhstan. European Conference on Education 9-13 July Brighton UK.

  • Fimyar O. (2015)'The value of dialogic approach in understanding international teachers’ identity in Kazakhstan'. CIES March 8-13 Washington D.C. USA.

  • Fimyar O. Omarbekova A. Shamatov D. Tuleuova N. (2014). ‘Pedagogies and methodologies of organisational learning in Kazakhstan: The case of NIS partner schools’. Symposium “Reforming education – thirty schools at a time: The role of action research and organisational learning in education reform in Kazakhstan" at ECER 2-5 September Porto Portugal.

  • Fimyar O. Bridges D. Yakavets N. Winter L. McLellan R. & Parmenter L. (2014). 'Tracing policies leadership practices and student experiences in multi-lingual settings: Lessons in education research methodology from Kazakhstan'. Research workshop at ECER 2-5 September Porto Portugal.

  • Fimyar O. (2014) 'Translating ‘excellence’ into three languages or How Kazakhstani teachers ‘change’'. CIES 10-15 March Toronto Canada.

  • Fimyar O. Silova I. Millei Zs. Piattoeva N & Ayudarova O. (2014). 'Memories of Post-Soviet education and childhood'. Workshop at CIES 10-15 March Toronto Canada.

  • Fimyar O. & Kurakbayev K. (2013) ''Soviet' in the memories and teachers' professional beliefs: Focus on curriculum reform'. XV Comparative Education World Congress 24-28 June 2013 Buenos Aires Argentina.

  • Fimyar O. (2013) 'Three metaphors and one model of educational change: A Kazakhstani case of rapid ‘internationalisation at home’'. ESA 2013 28-31 August Torino Italy.

  • Frost D. Fimyar O. Yakavets N. and Bilyalov D. (2013). 'The roles of school Principals in educational reform in Kazakhstan'. Symposium "Educational Reform in Kazakhstan from the School Perspective" at ECER 10-13 September Istanbul Turkey.

  • McLaughlin C. McLellan R. Fordham M. with Chandler-Grevatt A. & Daubney A. (2014) 'Changing from the inside? Reform and innovation through action research'. Symposium “Reforming education – thirty schools at a time: The role of action research and organisational learning in education reform in Kazakhstan" at ECER 2-5 September Porto Portugal.

  • McLellan R. Winter L. Fimyar O. & Fordham M. (2014) 'Teachers' constructs of their professional identity in a changing educational environment in Kazakhstan'. ECER 2-5 September Porto Portugal.

  • Winter L. Kurakbayev K. McLellan R. & Fimyar O. (2014). 'Teachers’ assessment for learning in a Post-Soviet Kazakhstan'. CIES 10-15 March 2014 Toronto Canada.

  • Wilson E. Turner F. Sharimova A. & Brownhill S. (2013) 'Reform at Scale: Teacher Development in Kazakhstan. ECER 10-13 September Istanbul Turkey.

  • Yakavets N. & Frost D. (2014) 'Leading schools in a time of change in Kazakhstan: the rhetoric and the reality'. Symposium “Institutional Autonomy and Educational Reform in Central Asia” at ECER 2-5 September Porto Portugal.

  • Yakavets N. (2014) 'Studying school leadership practice: Evidence form Kazakhstani schools'. British Educational Research Association Annual Conference 23-25 September London UK.

  • Yakavets N. (2014). 'Leadership by school Principals in a policy-driven context: Innovation competitions and performativity in Kazakhstan'. Annual conference of American Educational Research Association (AERA) 3-7 April Philadelphia USA.

  • Yakavets N. (2014). 'Very able highly trained extremely competitive? Two parallel systems of education for gifted children in Kazakhstan'. Annual conference of American Educational Research Association (AERA) 3-7 April Philadelphia USA.

  • Yakavets N. (2013) 'Drivers of school innovations in Kazakhstan: a critical element of leadership'. Symposium "Educational Reform in Kazakhstan from the School Perspective" at ECER 10-13 September Istanbul Turkey.

  • Yakavets N. (2013) 'Education for economic competitiveness: Kazakhstan moving from a Post-Soviet to a neoliberal agenda'. Network 23: Policy Studies and Politics of Education. ECER 10-13 September Istanbul Turkey.

  • Yakavets N. (2013) 'Reforming society through education for gifted children: the case of Kazakhstan'. Accepted for publication in the Research Papers in Education Journal May 2013 and presented at the XV Comparative Education World Congress 24-28 June Buenos Aires Argentina.