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Terms and conditions

Equipment Loan Booking Form




Bookings can only be made by Faculty of Education staff or students with valid University ID cards or equivalent identification - the AVS Service reserve the right not to dispense equipment if appropriate ID is not shown.


Students booking specific types of equipment may need to perform a risk assessment and obtain authority from an appropriate lecturer/supervisor before the equipment is issued. []


Online bookings may be cancelled if equipment is not collected by the date stated.


In exceptional situations the AVS Service may not be able to fulfil an agreed loan request due to circumstances outside of their control.


Safe Storage of Loan Equipment


The borrower must adequately secure the equipment when not under personal control (overnight lunch and coffee breaks etc.) by keeping it locked in a cupboard or locked room.


Equipment left in a vehicle must be not be left visible and unattended unless that vehicle is locked and within a secure garage.


Collection and return of equipment from the AVS Service Office


Equipment not collected by the date stated may be loaned to another user unless notification is given.


Equipment booked is collected from and returned to the AVS Service Office GS6 in the Donald McIntyre Building unless agreed in advance.


Items can only be collected by the person named in the booking and with a valid University ID card unless agreed in advance.


Equipment issued remains the responsibility of the borrower at all times until it is returned to the AVS Service Office and acknowledged as such by AVS Service Staff.


The equipment loaned must be returned to the AVS Service Office GS6 in the Donald McIntyre Building unless agreed in advance by the date stated on the loans booking form. Loan extensions can only be granted by AVS Service. Failure to abide by deadlines may cause problems with additional loan requests.


Using the Equipment


Equipment should always be used in accordance with any safety instructions available for it.


Equipment must not be used if the user has reason to believe the equipment to be damaged or not in a good or safe condition. Please contact the AVS Service Office as soon as possible if you have such a concern.


Equipment if identified as having being damaged not operating properly or having received a violent shock must not be used and must be returned to the AVS Service office with details of the fault or damage.


Equipment must only be used by those staff or students who are competent to use the equipment have an understanding of the equipment and have the ability to recognise and prevent danger or injury.


If the borrower has any doubts or concerns about the use of equipment then advice from an AVS Service technician must be sought before use.


Training and instruction in the safe use of the equipment will be provided by AVS Service technicians if requested - please make separate arrangements for training and instruction.


The equipment is only to be used for University purposes and only for use by the person to whom the loan is made and must not be loaned to any other persons.


Manufacturer's instruction manuals are available in PDF format on the AVS Service website.


Insurance & Liability


Equipment may be loaned as agreed with the AVS Service providing that the item is returned in undamaged and in good working order. Compensation must be made in full to the University Faculty of Education for any damage to or loss of the item.


Alleged theft of equipment should be reported to the Police within 24 hours of the occurrence.


All damages to loss or alleged theft of equipment must be reported by the end of the next working day to the AVS Service.


The user will be personally liable in the event of damage that is deliberate or negligently caused to the equipment.


The University shall under no circumstances be liable for any loss or injury that occurs to a user as a result of the user failing to follow the required safety procedures or instructions.


If equipment is taken abroad please ensure that the user informs the AVS Service Office. Equipment taken abroad is subject to the same conditions as point 5.1.