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Marisol Basilio


Research Associate

E-mail Address


+ 44 (0) 1223767560


  • PhD in Developmental Psychology and Education (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
  • MAS Psychological Development Learning and Education (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
  • BA (Hons) Psychology (Universidad de Chile)

Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

  • European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction
  • European Association of Developmental Psychology
  • International Society for Gestures Studies
  • Society for Research in Child Development

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Marisol is a developmental and educational psychologist. Her PhD is concerned with the role of pre-verbal communicative tools in the early emergence of self-regulatory skills supervised by Prof. Cintia Rodriguez at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Before that she obtained a Masters of Advanced Studies in Psychological Development Learning and Education at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a BA in Psychology at Universidad de Chile where she also worked as an Associate Lecturer. Marisol first worked in the Faculty as a visiting scholar in 2009 and in 2011 with a fellowship sponsored by UNESCO. Alongside her research activities Marisol collaborates with the LEGO Foundation as an educational psychology consultant.

Academic Area/Links

  • Psychology and Education Academic Group
  • Desarrollo Temprano y Educación (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
  • Equipo de Psicología y Educación (Universidad de Chile)
  • Future Research leaders ESRC Fellowship

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Research Topics

  • Early development of self-regulation executive functioning and metacognition
  • The role of verbal and nonverbal communicative tools in cognitive development
  • Scaffolding strategies and early cognitive development
    Early years learning and instruction with a focus on the 0-3 age group
  • Play and learning in educational and home settings
  • Literacy and narrative skills in primary school children

Current Research Project(s)

  • Play Learning and Narrative Skills (PLaNS): 'The role of constructional and socio-dramatic play in the development of metacognition and narrative skills in primary-aged children' began on March 2013. This two-year project is sponsored by the LEGO Foundation. The project will be examining the potential contribution of playful approaches to supporting 5-10 year old children's fictional and non-fictional narrative skills and the mediating role of metacognitive abilities in this domain.

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Principal and Recent Publications

Rodríguez C. Moreno-Núñez A. Basilio M. & Sosa N. (in press). Ostensive gestures come first. Their role in the beginning of the shared reference. Semiotic Development: Special Issue. Cognitive Development.

Whitebread D. Jameson H. & Basilio M. (2015). Play beyond the Foundation Stage: play self-regulation and narrative skills. In J. Moyles (Ed.) The Excellence of Play 4th Ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Pino-Pasternak D. Basilio M. & Whitebread D. (2014) Interventions and classroom contexts that promote Self-Regulated Learning: Examples from two intervention studies in UK primary classrooms. Psyke.

Kuvalja M. Basilio M. Verma M. & Whitebread D. (2013). Self-directed language and private gestures in the early emergence of self regulation: current research issues. Hellenic Journal of Psychology 10 168-192.

Whitebread D. & Basilio M. (2013). Play culture and creativity. In D. Gauntlett & B. Stjerne-Thomsen (Eds.) Cultures of Creativity. Billund Denmark: The LEGO Foundation.

Whitebread D. Basilio M. Kuvalja M. and Verma M. (2012). The importance of play: a report on the value of children’s play with a series of policy recommendations. Brussels Belgium: Toys Industries for Europe.

Whitebread D. and Basilio M. (2012) The emergence and early development of self-regulation in young children. Profesorado: Journal of Curriculum and Teacher Education Monograph issue: Learn to learn. Teaching and evaluation of self-regulated learning 16(1)15-34.

Basilio M. and Rodríguez C. (2011) Usos Gestos y Vocalizaciones Privadas: De La Interacción Social a La Autorregulación. (Private uses gestures and vocalisations: From social interaction to self-regulation) Infancia y Aprendizaje 34 181–194.