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Madleina Daehnhardt


Senior Teaching Associate

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  • PhD Development Studies (POLIS) University of Cambridge
  • MPhil Social Anthropology University of Cambridge
  • BA Chinese Studies University of Wuerzburg

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Madleina is a Senior Teaching Associate in ‘Education and International Development’.

She has worked extensively in international non-governmental organisations most recently in an advisory role. She has worked for World Vision and Tearfund and alongside Christian Aid. Prior to joining the Faculty Madleina has held a number of research and teaching-related posts. Post-PhD she was a Research Associate at the China Forum Jesus College and has been a panel Tutor in International Development at the University’s Institute for Continuing Education (ICE) Madingley Hall.

Madleina is a social researcher with broad interests. She has worked for a number of years in China and India where she was affiliated at the Centre for Public Policy Doon University Dehradun. She has worked and (co-)published in areas of migration wellbeing social inclusion religion healthy ageing and disability. Her most recent co-edited volume on 'Disability Inclusion in Africa: from harmful to life-giving theologies' a resource for Theological Education Colleges (TECs) will be published in 2024.

Madleina has used a range of qualitative innovative approaches in her work including arts-based methods. Given her background Madleina brings an interdisciplinary lens and diverse experience in organisations community-based and practice-led research to her teaching.

At the faculty Madleina is the track coordinator for the Tripos pathway in Education Policy and International Development (EPID) year 2 and year 3.

Madleina has taught and supervised on the MPhil Education Globalisation and International Development (EGID) supervising students working on issues related to inequality and equity quality education and disability and inclusive education in international contexts including China India and the UK.

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  • Track coordinator for Education Policy and International Development (EPID) year 2 and year 3
  • Paper coordinator and examiner for:

    • Part 1B: International issues in diversity and inclusion
      Theoretical perspectives and empirical applications
    • Part II: Case Studies in Education Policy and International Development
      Module 3: Interdisciplinary approaches to research in Education and Global Health
    • Part II: Compulsory and track-specific dissertations