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Linda Hargreaves


Reader (Emerita)

E-mail Address


+ 44 (0) 1223 767600


  • BSc (Hons) Psychology University of Durham
  • PGCE (Distinction) University of Durham
  • MA (Education) Psychology of Education (Distinction); Leicester University
  • PhD (1990) Context-based assessment of study skills at primary level. Leicester University

Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

  • British Psychological Society Chartered Psychologist (non practising)
  • British Educational Research Association
  • European Educational Research Association: Honorary Member Network 14
  • Cambridge Journal of Education Editorial Board
  • International Journal of Educational Psychology (Editorial Board)
  • External examining posts held:
    • University of Durham
    • University of York
    • University of Leicester
    • University of Leeds

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Dr. Linda Hargreaves studied at the Universities of Durham and Leicester. She was a primary and early years teacher before gaining a PhD on context–based assessment at primary level and becoming Research Associate on national projects on educational provision in rural schools process skills in primary science and the ORACLE 20 years on projects directed by Prof Maurice Galton. She held lectureships at the Universities of Leicester and Durham before joining Homerton College and the Faculty of Education as Senior Lecturer and subsequently Reader in Classroom Learning and Pedagogy.

Her research projects as PI co-investigator or team member have included: The Primary Interactive Teaching Project (ESRC; 1999-2001); Improving the Effectiveness of Groups in classrooms (ESRC-TLRP: SPRinG) project); The Teacher Status Project (DfES; 2002-6); The Cambridge Primary Review (Esmee Fairbairn: 2006-8); Children’s Awareness of Learning and Knowledge (ChALK) (Newton Trust 2010-12) and the Hong Kong Bilateral Social Pedagogical Contexts in Teaching and Research in Mathematics (ESRC/RGC The SPeCTRM project) on groupwork in primary mathematics.

She was Scientist–in-Charge in the Children’s Personal Epistemologies: capitalising on children’s and families’ knowledge for effective learning and teaching (ChiPE) with EC Marie Curie Postdoctoral fellow Dr Rocio Garcia Carrion (2013-15). Post-retirement she has continued her association with the Community of Researchers on Excellence for All (CREA) University of Barcelona working with Maria Vieites in the English schools strand of the ERASMUS+ Successful Educational Actions for All (SEAs4ALL) 2015-18.

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Research Topics

  • Research on primary classroom processes including:
  • Teacher-pupil and pupil- pupil interaction;
  • Collaborative group work and social pedagogy;
  • The effects of transfer and transition on pupil behaviour achievement and attitudes to school;
  • Research on small and rural schools and their communities;
  • The development of children’s personal epistemologies.

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Previously supervised many PhD Students taught MPhil/MEd. Psychology and Education Primary Education Educational Research; PGCE Primary; BA Literacy Communication and Language; Creativity and Thinking.

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Principal and Recent Publications

Diez-Palomar J. García-Carrión R. Hargreaves L. & Vieites M. (2020) Transforming students' attitudes to learning through the use of successful educational actions. PLoS ONE 15(1) e0240292.

Gristy C. Hargreaves L. & Kučerova S.R. (Eds.) (2020) Educational Research and Schooling in Rural Europe An engagement with changing patterns of education space and place. Charlotte NC.: Information Age Publishing

Hargreaves L & Flutter J. (2019) The Status of Teachers Oxford Research Encyclopaedia Education (Education and Society) doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.288

Hargreaves L. & García-Carrión R. (2019) 'Turning talk around: time for children to talk and teachers to listen in primary mathematics. In Gillies Robyn (Ed.) Promoting Academic Talk in Schools Global Practices and Perspectives Abingdon Oxon.: Routledge

Hargreaves L. (2017) ‘Primary education in small rural schools: past present and future'. In. Myhill M. & McLean R. (Eds.) International Handbook on Life in Schools and Classrooms: Past Present and Future Visions. New York: Springer

Hargreaves L & García-Carrión R. (2016) Toppling teacher domination of primary classroom talk through Dialogic Literary Gatherings in England. FORUM 58(1) 15-26.

Hargreaves L. (2016) ‘Primary education in small rural schools: past present and future In. Myhill M. & McLean R. (Eds.) International Handbook on Life in Schools and Classrooms: Past Present and Future Visions. New York: Springer

Symonds J. Galton M. & Hargreaves L. (2014) 'Emerging gender differences in times of multiple transitions'. In Schoon I. & Eccles J. (Eds.) Gender differences in Aspirations and Attainment A Life Course Perspective Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Symonds J. & Hargreaves L. (2014) Emotional and Motivational Engagement at school transition: A qualitative Stage-Environment Fit Study. Journal of Early Adolescence OnlineFirst DOI: 10.1177/0272431614556348

Jokić B. & Hargreaves L. (2014). An easy A or a question of belief: pupil attitudes to Catholic religious education in Croatia. British Journal of Religious Education DOI: 10.1080/01416200.2014.90545

Kvalsund R. & Hargreaves L. (2014) ‘Theory as the source of research footprint in rural settings. Pp. 41-57. In Simone White & Michael Corbett (Eds.) Doing Research in rural settings London: Routledge.

Pell A. & Hargreaves L. (2011). Making sense of cluster analysis; revelations from Pakistani science classes. Cambridge Journal of Education 41(3) 347-368.

Hargreaves L. (2009) Respect and responsibility: Review of research on small rural schools in England. International Journal of Educational Research 48 (2) 117-128. doi:10.1016/j.ijer.2009.02.004

Kvalsund R. & Hargreaves L. (2009) Reviews of research in rural schools and their communities: analytical perspectives and a new agenda. International Journal of Educational Research 48 (2) 140-149. doi:10.1016/j.ijer.2009.02.004

Hargreaves L. (2009) 'The status and prestige of teachers and teaching' in Saha L. & Dworkin G. (Eds.). The Springer International Handbook of Research on Teachers and teaching (Vol 21. Part 1) (pp. 217-230) New York: Springer.

Galton M. Hargreaves L. & Pell T. (2009). Groupwork and whole class teaching with 11 – 14- year olds compared. Cambridge Journal of Education 39 (1) 119-14).

Hargreaves L. Moyles J. Merry R. Paterson F. Pell T. Esarte-Sarries V. (2003)
How do primary school teachers define and implement 'interactive teaching' in the National Literacy Strategy in England? Research Papers in Education 18(3) 217-236
DOI: 10.1080/0267152032000107301