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Katy Jordan


Senior research associate Faculty of Education

College research associate Darwin College

E-mail Address


+ 44 (0)1223 768672


  • PhD Institute of Educational Technology The Open University UK
  • MPhil Faculty of Education University of Cambridge
  • PGCert (Academic practice technology-enabled) City University London
  • MSc Imperial College London
  • MA Oxford University

Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology (CMALT)
  • Member of the British Educational Research Association (BERA)
  • Editorial board member for the Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME)
  • Member of the Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE)

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Katy is a Senior Research Associate interested in educational technology and digital scholarship. At present Katy is working on the 'EdTech Hub' (2019-2027) which will examine the research evidence surrounding the use of educational technology initiatives in low-income countries.

Previous research projects have addressed a range of topics in Educational Research and Educational Technology including semantic web technologies for education Massive Open Online Courses and Open Education. In 2017 she received the SRHE Newer Researchers Award which funded a project entitled ‘Networked publics: investigating the bounds of personal and professional selves presented by academics through social media platforms’ to build upon the findings from her doctoral research. Her PhD used an innovative mixed-methods social network analysis approach to understand the structure and function of academics’ online networks.

Before joining the Faculty in 2019 as a Research Associate Katy was a Visiting Research Fellow in the Institute of Educational Technology at the Open University and previously worked at Cambridge in the Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technology (CARET).

Academic Area/Links

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Research Topics

  • Digital scholarship
  • Educational technology
  • Mixed methods research
  • Open education
  • Social media for Higher Education
  • Social network analysis

Current Research Project(s)

  • The EdTech Hub - a £20m+ programme investigating how effective culturally appropriate uses of EdTech do – and do not – help to accelerate spread and scale system-level interventions that lead to better learning outcomes for children in low-income countries (DFCO 2019-27).
  • '‘Sort by relevance’: Exploring assumptions about algorithm-mediated academic literature searches - a project funded by the Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE) to examine the use of algorithms in academic literature searches online (2022/2023).

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Principal and Recent Publications

Jordan K. (in press) How can messaging apps WhatsApp and SMS be used to support learning? A scoping review. Accepted for publication in Technology Pedagogy and Education.

Boujikian M. Carter A. and Jordan K. (2022). The Sandbox Model: A Novel Approach to Iterating while Implementing an Emergency Education Program in Lebanon during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal on Education in Emergencies 8(3) 215-28.

Jordan K. (2022) Academics’ perceptions of research impact and engagement through interactions on social media platforms. Learning Media and Technology early view.

Jordan K. & Goshtasbpour F. (2022) 2012 to 2022: The decade of the MOOC. Journal of Interactive Media in Education 2022(1).

Damani K. Daltry R. Jordan K. Hills L. & Evans L. (2022) EdTech for Ugandan girls: Affordances of different technologies for girls’ secondary education during the Covid-19 pandemic. Development Policy Review 40(S2)

Carrigan M. & Jordan K. (2021) Platforms and Institutions in the Post-Pandemic University: A Case Study of Social Media and the Impact Agenda. Postdigital Science and Education. 2021.

Crompton H. Jordan K. Wilson S. & Nicolai S. (2021) “Making visible” inequality: Remote learning with technology during Covid-19. NORRAG Special Issue 6: States of Emergency: Education in the Time of COVID-19 62-63.

Jordan K. & Jones A. (2021) Editorial: Learning from Lockdown Special Collection. Journal of Interactive Media in Education 2021(1) p.6. DOI:

Crompton H. Burke D. Jordan K. & Wilson S. (2021). Learning with technology during emergencies: A systematic review of K-12 education. British Journal of Educational Technology 52(4) 1554-1575.

Crompton H. Burke D. Jordan K. & Wilson S. (2021). Support provided for K-12 teachers teaching remotely with technology during emergencies: A systematic review. Journal of Research on Technology in Education early view.

Jordan K. David R. Philips T. & Pellini A. (2021) Educación durante la crisis de COVID-19: Oportunidades y limitaciones del uso de Tecnología Educativa en países de bajos ingresos. Revista De Educación a Distancia (RED) 21(65).

Jordan K. (2020) Covid-19 School closures in low- and middle-income countries: Emergent perspectives on the role of educational technology. Journal of Learning for Development 7(3) 399-415.

Pitt B. Jordan K. de los Arcos B. Farrow R. & Weller M. (2020) Supporting open educational practices through Open Textbooks. Distance Education early view. doi: 10.1080/01587919.2020.1757411

Jordan K. (2020) Educational technology and research impact: the two roles of e-learning and related terms in the 2014 REF impact case studies. Research in Learning Technology 28. doi: 10.25304/rlt.v28.2306

Jordan K. (2020) Imagined audiences acceptable identity fragments and merging the personal and professional: how academic online identity is expressed through different social media platforms. Learning Media and Technology 45(2) 165-178.

Jordan K. (2020) Educational technology and research impact: the two roles of e-learning and related terms in the 2014 REF impact case studies. Research in Learning Technology 28. doi: 10.25304/rlt.v28.2306

Jordan K. (2019) From finding a niche to circumventing institutional constraints: Examining the links between academics’ online networking institutional roles and identity-trajectory. International Review of Research in Online and Distributed Learning 20(2).

Jordan K. (2019) Separating and merging professional and personal selves online: the structure and processes which shape academics’ ego-networks on academic social networking sites and Twitter. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 70(8) 830-842.

Jordan K. (2019) From social networks to publishing platforms: a review of the history and scholarship of academic social network sites. Frontiers in Digital Humanities doi: 10.3389/fdigh.2019.00005

Jordan K. & Howe C. (2018) The perceived benefits and problems associated with teaching activities undertaken by doctoral students. Teaching in Higher Education 23(4) 504-521.

Weller M. Jordan K. DeVries I. & Rolfe V. (2018) Mapping the open education landscape: Citation network analysis of historical open and distance education research. Open Praxis 10(2) 109-126.

Jordan K. (2018) Validity reliability and the case for participant-centred research: Reflections on a multi-platform social media study. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 34(10) 913-921.

Jordan K. & Weller M. (2018) Communication collaboration and identity: Factor analysis of academics’ perceptions of online networking. Research in Learning Technology 26:2013.

Jordan K. & Weller M. (2018) Academics and social networking sites: Benefits problems and tensions in professional engagement with online networking. Journal of Interactive Media in Education 2018(1) 1.

Jordan K. (2017) Examining the UK Higher Education sector through the network of institutional accounts on Twitter. First Monday 22(5) article 5.