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Pascual Pérez-Paredes



E-mail Address


+ 44 (0) 1223 767694


  • PhD Applied Linguistics Universidad de Murcia Spain
  • BA and MA in Modern Languages and Linguistics Universidad de Murcia Spain

Membership of Editorial Boards

Register Studies John Benjamins.

ReCALL Cambridge University Press

Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

  • European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL)
  • Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA)
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA) 2018-2020
  • British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL)
  • Learner Corpus Research Association (LCA)
  • European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (AELFE)

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After a research stay in the University of Texas at Austin supervised by Prof. Elaine Horwitz I completed a PhD in Applied Linguistics in 1999 at the University of Murcia Spain. My main research interests are quantitative research of register variation the compilation and use of language corpora and the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies in the field of applied linguistics. I've been project coordinator of a MINERVA initiative funded by the European Commission SACODEYL (System-Aided Compilation and Distribution of European Youth Language); project coordinator of TELL-OP (Transforming European Learner Language into Learning Opportuniies) an ERASMUS + Strategic Partnership in Higher Education coordinator in Spain of VGCLIL (Vocational Guidance in Content Language Integrated Learning) coordinator in Spain of Corpora for Content & Language Integrated Learning a LLP K2 Transversal programme co-responsible for the Spanish EFL component of the Louvain International Database of Spoken English Interlanguage (UCL) and research member of the The International Corpus of Crosslinguistic Interlanguage (TUFS Japan). I am a member of CAMMIGRES (The Cambridge Migration Research Network) and SLEG (Second Language Education Research Cluster at the University of Cambridge).

Some of my recent publications include research published in Discourse & Society and CALL and chapters in John Benjamins and Peter Lang as well as the co-edition of Software-aided analysis of language with Mike Scott and research papers on JCR-indexed journals such as ReCALL the International Journal of Corpus Linguistics System Language Learning and Technology Journal of Pragmatics and English for Specific Purposes all of them dealing with the interplay of language corpora language analysis and language education. In 2009 and 2010 I was a Research Fellow with the English Department in Northern Arizona University developing research with Douglas Biber. Pascual Pérez-Paredes was the Principal Investigator (PI) for Languages for specific purposes language corpora and English linguistics applied to knowledge engineering at UMU for almost a decade.

My book Researching Specialized Languages co-edited with V. Bhatia and P. Sánchez John Benjamins was awarded the “Enrique Alcaraz” research award by the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes in 2013. I served as Chair of the Corpus CALL SIG at Eurocall from 2013 to 2015. I'm an Official Translator (English-Spanish) appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

You can follow my academic activities on Twitter @perezparedes

More info on my publications here.

Academic Area/Links

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Research Topics

  • Learner language
  • Variation and multidimensional analysis of (specialized) language(s)
  • Corpus-based Discourse Analysis
  • Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
  • Corpora in applied linguistics
  • ICTs in language education

Current Research Project(s)

  • Adverbs in spoken language: A corpus-based analysis of learner and native-speakers.Cambridge Humanities Research Grants Scheme 2016-2017.
  • NUTCRACKER: Sistema de detección rastreo monitorización y análisis del discurso terrorista en la Red. FFI2016-79748-R Proyectos I+d+I - Programa estatal de investigación desarrollo e innovación orientada a los retos de la sociedad. MINECO. 2017-2020.
  • Principal Investigator 2014-2016: Transforming European Language Learner into Learning Opportunities (Funded by EU ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership).
  • Trinity Lancaster Corpus Early Access Data Grant Scheme. ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS). 2017-2019.
  • Automatic feedback systems for EFL learners. Cambridge Language Science Incubator Fund. Cambridge Language Sciences Incubator Fund.
  • Discurso yihadista en la red: Detección análisis y herramientas para la prevención y la desradicalización. A-HUM-250-UGR18 (Programa de Ayudas a la I+D+I en el Ámbito del Plan Andaluz de Investigación Desarrollo e Innovación Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020).

Prospective PhD Applications

I would welcome informal contact from prospective PhD students on any of the research topics mentioned on this website. Please contact me by December of the calendar year before you wish to start your studies.

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  • Postgraduate
    • MPhil: Research in Second Language Education
    • MEd Research Methods Strand

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Principal and Recent Publications

New book

El pensamiento computacional with Miguel Zapata Ros

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New second edition with a new chapter on unplugged computational thinking

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Corpus-aided discourse analysis

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Pérez-Paredes P. (2019). Little old UK voting Brexit and her Austrian friends: A corpus-driven analysis of the 2016 UK right-wing tabloid discourse. In E. Hidalgo M.A. Benítez & F. de Cesare (eds.) Populist Discourse: Critical Approaches to Contemporary Politics. Routledge.

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Sánchez Hernández P. Pérez-Paredes P. & Aguado P. (2019) Constructing immigrants in the Spanish legislation and Administration informative texts: a corpus-driven study (2007-2011). Book chapter. Migration and Media. Discourses about Identities in Crisis. John Benjamins.

Pérez-Paredes P. Aguado. P. & Sánchez P. (2017). Constructing immigrants in UK legislation and Administration informative texts: a corpus-driven study (2007-2011). Discourse & Society28181-103.

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Pérez-Paredes P. (2017). A Keyword Analysis of the 2015 UK Higher Education Green Paper and the Twitter Debate. In Power persuasion and manipulation in specialised genres: providing keys to the rhetoric of professional communities. Bern: Peter Lang.

Language education

Pérez-Paredes P. (2020).The linguistic dimension of L2 interviews: A multidimensional analysis of native speaker language. Focus on ELT.

Diez-Bedmar M. B. & Pérez-Paredes P. (2020). Noun phrase complexity in young Spanish EFL learners’ writing. Complementing syntactic complexity indices with corpus analyses. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics.

Zhang D. & Pérez-Paredes P. (2020). Exploring Chinese EFL teachers’ perceptions of Augmented Reality (AR) in English language learning. In Miller L. & Wu G. (eds) Language Learning with Technology: theories principles and practices. Springer.

Pérez-Paredes P. (2019). A systematic review of the uses and spread of corpora and data-driven learning in CALL research during 2011–2015. Computer Assisted Language Learning.

Zhang D. & Pérez-Paredes P. (2019) Chinese postgraduate EFL learners’ self-directed use of mobile English learning resources. Computer Assisted Language Learning.

Pérez-Paredes P. & Díez-Bedmar B. (2019). Certainty adverbs in spoken learner language: the role of tasks and proficiency. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 52253-279.

Pérez-Paredes P. et al. (2019). Mobile Data-driven language learning: affordances and learners’ perception. System 84145-159.

Pérez-Paredes P. (2019). The pedagogic advantage of teenage corpora for secondary school learners. In: P. Crosthwaite (ed.) Data Driven Learning for the Next Generation: Corpora and DDL for Pre-tertiary Learners. London: Routledge.

Pérez-Paredes P. & Sánchez Hernández P. (2019). Uptake of corpus tools in the Spanish Higher Education context: a mixed-methods study. Research in Corpus Linguistics 6 51-66.

Pérez-Paredes P. & Bueno C. (2019). A corpus-driven analysis of certainty stance adverbs: obviously really and actually in spoken native and learner English. Journal of Pragmatics 140 22-32.

Pérez-Paredes P. (2019). English Language Teacher Education and Second Language Acquisition. In Steve Walsh and Steve Mann (eds.) Routledge Handbook of English Language Teacher Education. London: Routledge.

Noguera Y. & Pérez-Paredes P. (2018). Register analysis and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) pedagogy: noun-phrase modification in a corpus of English for Military Navy submariners. English for Specific Purposes 53 118-130..

Pérez-Paredes P. & Díez-Bedmar B. (2019) Researching learner language through POS Keyword and syntactic complexity analyses. In S. Götz and J. Mukherjee (EDS.) Learner Corpora and Language Teaching. Studies in Corpus Linguistics Series. Amsterdam: John Benjamins 101-128.

Pérez-Paredes P. & Zapata-Ros Miguel (2018). Patrones de Pensamiento Computacional y corpus lingüísticos: el aprendizaje de lenguas con datos lingüísticos. To appear soon.

Pérez-Paredes P. Ordoñana C. & Aguado P. (2018). Language teachers' perceptions on the use of OER language processing technologies in MALL. Computer Assisted Language Learning 315-6522-545.

Conole G. & Pérez-Paredes P. (2017). Adult language learning in informal settings and the role of mobile learning. Mobile and ubiquitous learning. An international handbook. New York: Springer pp.45-58.

Pérez-Paredes P. & Sánchez Tornel M. (2015). A multidimensional analysis of learner language during story reconstruction in interviews. In M. Callies & S. Götz (Eds.) Learner Corpora in Language Testing and Assessment. John Benjamins.

Boulton A. & Pérez-Paredes P. (2014). ReCALL special issue: Researching uses of corpora for language teaching and learning Editorial Researching uses of corpora for language teaching and learning. ReCALL 26(2) 121-27.

Pérez-Paredes P. & Sánchez-Tornel M. (2014). Adverb use and language proficiency in young learners’ writing. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 19(2) 178-200.

Alcalá F. D. R. Pérez-Paredes P. & Agulló G. L. (2014) . Individual characteristics of primary school children. In TELF in primary education. Granada: Universidad de Granada 104-140.

Díez-Bedmar B. & Pérez-Paredes P. (2012). A cross-sectional analysis of articles in learner writing. In Y. Tono Y. Kawaguchi & M. Minegishi (Eds.) Developmental and Crosslinguistic Perspectives in Learner Corpus Research (pp. 139-158). John Benjamins.

Aguado-Jiménez P. Pérez-Paredes P. & Sánchez P. (2012). Exploring the use of multidimensional analysis of learner language to promote register awareness. System 40(1) 90-103.

Pérez-Paredes P. Sánchez-Tornel M. & Alcaraz Calero J. M. (2012). Learners’ search patterns during corpus-based focus-on-form activities. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 17 483-516.

Diez-Bedmar M. B. & Pérez-Paredes P. (2012). The Types and Effects of Peer Native Speakersʼ Feedback on CMC. Language Learning & Technology 16(1) 62-90.

Pérez-Paredes P. & Díez-Bedmar M. B. (2012). Intensifying adverbs in learner writing. In Y. Tono Y. Kawaguchi & M. Minegishi (Eds.) Developmental and Crossslinguistic Perspectives in Learner Corpus Research (pp. 105-123). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Pérez-Paredes P. Sánchez-Tornel M. Alcaraz Calero J. M. & Jiménez P. A. (2011). Tracking learnersʼ actual uses of corpora: guided vs non-guided corpus consultation. Computer Assisted Language Learning 24(3) 233-253.

Pérez-Paredes P. Hernández P. S. & Jiménez P. A. (2011). The use of adverbial hedges in EAP students’ oral performance. In Bhatia V. Hernández P. S. & Pérez-Paredes P. (Eds.). Researching specialized languages. Studies in Corpus Linguistics 4 Researching specialized languages Amsterdam: John Benjamins 95-114.

Bhatia V. Hernández P. S. & Pérez-Paredes P. (Eds.). (2011). Researching specialized languages. Studies in Corpus Linguistics 47. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Pérez-Paredes P. (2010). Corpus Linguistics and Language Education in Perspective: Appropriation and the Possibilities Acenario. In T. Harris & M. Moreno Jaén (Eds.) Corpus Linguistics in Language Teaching (pp. 53-73). Peter Lang.

Pérez-Paredes P. (2010). The death of the adverb revisited: attested uses of adverbs in native and non-native comparable corpora of spoken English. In M. Moreno Jaén F. Serrano Valverde & M. Calzada Pérez (Eds.) Exploring new paths in language pedagogy. Lexis and corpus-based language teaching. Equinox English linguistics and ELT (pp. 157-172). Equinox.

Pérez-Paredes P. & Alcaraz-Calero J. M. (2009). Developing annotation solutions for online Data Driven Learning. ReCALL 21(01) 55.

Pérez-Paredes P. & Sánchez Tornel M. (2009). Understanding e-skills in the Foreign Language Teaching context: Skills strategies and computer expertise. . In R. Marriott & P. Torres (Eds.) Handbook of Research on E-Learning Methodologies for Language Acquisition (pp. 1-22). IGI Global.

Sánchez P. et al. (2006). El ámbito de la oralidad en la investigación lingüística anglosajona reciente. RESLA19 163-177.

Aguado-Giménez P. & Pérez-Paredes P. (2005). Translation-strategies use: A classroom-based examination of bakerʼs taxonomy. Meta 50(1) 294-311.

Pérez-Paredes P. (2004). Learner oral corpora and network-based language teaching. Scope and foundations. In J. Sinclair (Ed.) How to use Corpora in Language Teaching (pp. 249-268). John Benjamins.

Pérez-Paredes P. & Cantos Gómez P. (2004). Some Lessons Students Learn: Self-discovery and Corpora. (G. Aston S. Bernardini & D. Stewart Eds.). Corpora and Language Learners. Studies in Corpus Linguistics 17 (pp. 247-57). John Benjamins.

Pérez-Paredes P. (2003). Small Corpora as Assisting Tools in The Teaching of English News Language: A Preliminary Tokens-Based Examination of Michael Swan’s Practical English Usage News Language Wordlist. ESP World 6(2)(2) 1-12.

Pérez Paredes P. & Rubio F. (2006). Testing and assessment. In Bueno A. Madrid D. & McLaren N.. TEFL in Secondary Education. Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada 605-639.

Aguado-Giménez P. & Pérez-Paredes P. (2005). Translation-Strategies Use: A Classroom-Based Examination of Baker’s Taxonomy. META Volume 501 294–311.

Pérez-Paredes P. & Martínez Sánchez F. (2000). A Spanish version of the foreign language classroom anxiety scale: revisiting Aida's factor analysis. Revista española de lingüística aplicada 14 337-352.

Corpus linguistics in other areas of inquiry

J Garcia-Lopez L. B Díez-Bedmar M. Pérez-Paredes P. & Tornero E. (2011). Treatment change in adolescents with social anxiety disorder: insights from corpus linguistics. Ansiedad y Estrés 17 2/3 p149-155.

Policy recommendations and reports

Pérez-Paredes P. Mark G. & O´Keeffe A. (2020). The impact of usage-based approaches on second language learning and teaching. Cambridge Education Research Reports.

TELL-OP 2016. An analysis of language learning in Higher education institutions. The role of mobile learning and the possibilities of Data-driven language learning.

TELL-OP 2016. A survey of existing OER resources in the field of language processing and their uptake: Spain.

Book reviews

Check out my book reviews section.