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Pam Pointon


University Lecturer in Geography Primary Education

Academic Group

Arts and Creativities

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  • BEd (Cambridge)
  • MA (London)


  • Member of the Geographical Association

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Pam taught geography in London comprehensive schools for thirteen years and spent three years at the Centre for Global Education University of York before joining the Geography Department of Homerton College teaching undergraduates on the B.Ed. and BA Educational Studies degree. Currently she is a Professional Studies tutor on the Early Years and Primary PGCE course and teaches primary geography.

Current research interests focus on young people’s perceptions of and relationship with nature and the environment.

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  • Student voice
  • Learning environments
  • Outdoor adventure education and self esteem emotional literacy
  • Environmental education
  • Place related identity

Recent Research Projects

WRePlace project: Place related identities through reading and writing funded by the Transforming Practice Research Programme Faculty of Education.

Secondary students’ perceptions of and relationship to nature and the environment.

Year 6 children’s emotional literacy and the impact of outdoor education experiences

Primary and secondary students' preferences in classroom environments

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  • Professional studies
  • Geography education (primary)


  • EY and PGCE course. Member of course management team. Teaching includes Professional Studies and primary geography.

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Selected Publications

Wyse D. Nikolajeva M. Charlton E. Cliff Hodges G. Pointon P. and Taylor E. (accepted for publication). Place-related identity and texts: a theory of transcultural meanings. British Educational Research Journal.

CharltonE. Wyse D. Cliff Hodges C. Nikolajeva M. Pointon P. Taylor L. (2011) Place-Related Identities Through Texts: From Interdisciplinary Theory to Research Agenda British Journal of Educational Studies 59: 1 63-74

Greenwood J. Conway D. and Pointon P.(2008) If the world is round how come the piece I'm standing on is flat? in WhiteheadD and Coltman P. (ed.) Teaching and learning in the early years London:Routledge.

Pointon P. (2001) Needs and Wants in Brown M. Our World Our Rights Amnesty International USA pp.22-26

Pointon P and Kershner R. (2001) Making decisions about organising the primary classroom environment as a context for learning: the views of three experienced teachers and their pupils in Collins J. et al Developing Pedagogy Paul Chapman London

Pointon P. [2000] Students' views of environments for learning from the primary to the secondary school International Journal of Educational Research

Kershner R. and Pointon P. (2000) Children's views of the primary classroom as an environment for working and learning Research in Education.

Pointon P. and Kershner R. (2000) Making decisions about organising the primary classroom environment as a context for learning: the views of three experienced teachers and their pupils Teacher and Teacher Education