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Susan Robertson


Professor of Education

E-mail Address


+ 44 (0) 1223 767574


  • PhD (Sociology/Policy) University of Calgary Canada
  • B.Ed (Honours) University of Western Australia Australia
  • B Applied Science (Distinction) Curtin University

Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

  • Editor in Chief – Globalisation Societies and Education
  • Editorial Board – Education Policy Analysis Archives
  • Editorial Board – Educational Researcher
  • Member – Comparative and International Education Society
  • Member – International Studies Association
  • Member – European Consortium of Political Research
  • Member of the Economic and Social Research Council Panel B until 2019
  • Evaluator Horizon 2020 Project – SSH call Young Adults

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My approach to researching education has been formed out of working as a sociologist of education in universities in different parts of the world including Australia Canada New Zealand and the UK. Broadly the questions that I am addressing have been stimulated by major developments that began in the 1980s with education increasingly drawn into servicing the economy. Driven by political projects these developments have generated important new questions around the creation of different kinds of teachers learners and citizens and posed equally challenging questions as to how we might research them. My work draws on a range of disciplines that broadly address the social from geography to politics and the economy.

Academic Area/Links

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Research Topics

  • Global governance of education
  • Transformations of the state and the new capitalism
  • Knowledge and power
  • Region-building and education
  • Cultural Political Economy of Education
  • Social justice
  • Teachers’ labour
  • Spatial theory and education

Prospective PhD Applications

Susan Roberston would welcome informal contact from prospective PhD students on the above research areas

Current Research Project(s)

  • Universities in the Knowledge Economy (UNIKE) European Commission funded (recently concluded)

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  • Postgraduate
    • Masters in Globalisation Education and International Development
    • Supervision of Masters and Doctoral candidates
  • Undergraduate
    • Sociology of Education Prelim I (Year 1)
    • Sociology of Education Prelim II (Year 3)

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Principal and Recent Publications

to be announced