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Andreas Stylianides


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(+44) 01223 767550


  • PhD in Mathematics Education University of Michigan USA
  • MSc in Mathematics University of Michigan USA
  • MSc in Mathematics Education University of Michigan USA
  • MA University of Cambridge UK
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education University of Oxford UK
  • BA in Education (major) with Mathematics (minor) and primary school teaching certification University of Cyprus Cyprus

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Andreas Stylianides is Professor of Mathematics Education at the Faculty of Education where he is currently the Chair of Faculty Board and a Fellow of Hughes Hall College. He is also an Honorary Research Fellow at the Department of Education University of Oxford. Recently he completed a 5-year appointment as a Visiting Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Before his Cambridge appointment he held an academic fellowship at the University of Oxford and prior to that a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of California-Berkeley. A Fulbright scholar he received MSc degrees in mathematics and mathematics education and then his PhD in mathematics education at the University of Michigan.

Stylianides is the Chair of the Mathematics Education Research Group. His research is committed to understanding and acting upon problems of classroom practice. A premise underlying this dual commitment is that by engineering ways to address problems of practice one develops also a better theoretical understanding of the processes (didactical cognitive epistemological etc.) underpinning the problems. Specifically a great part of his research has involved the design of theory-based classroom interventions to help address students' difficulties with some mathematical practices that are essential for mathematical sense making notably: mathematical reasoning proving and problem solving/posing. As these mathematical practices span mathematical domains (arithmetic algebra geometry etc.) and educational levels his research projects have involved a diverse group of participants (from 5-year-olds to university students) and have addressed several other related topics (teachers' mathematical/pedagogical knowledge and beliefs the teaching and learning of early algebraic ideas task design and implementation etc.). He used different methodologies in his projects including design experiment methodology.

Stylianides published widely in mathematics education and beyond and he has delivered invited talks in many countries. He led or co-led Topic Study Groups in major European and international research conferences and he guest edited special issues in Educational Studies in Mathematics and ZDM - The International Journal on Mathematics Education. He completed his term of office as the Deputy Editor of the International Journal of Educational Research and he is currently an Editorial Board member of Research in Mathematics Education Science & Education and the International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. He is an elected Board member for the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education a member of the Governance Group of Cambridge Mathematics and an Advisory Board member of the International GeoGebra Institute. He is the recipient of the 2010 American Educational Research Association SIG/RME Early Career Publication Award for his article "Proof and Proving in School Mathematics."

Academic Area/Links

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Research Topics

  • The teaching and learning of mathematical reasoning proving and problem solving/posing
  • Classroom-based instructional interventions
  • Teachers' mathematical knowledge and beliefs
  • Teachers' selection and use of instructional resources
  • Task design and implementation
  • Design of virtual classroom environments for teacher learning
  • Design experiment methodology

Prospective PhD/EdD Applications

Stylianides would welcome informal contact from prospective PhD/EdD students on any of the research topics mentioned above or other related topics in mathematics education.

Topics of doctoral students who worked with Stylianides (completed theses):

  • Mariam Makramalla: Contextualising educational reform in Egypt: An embedded case study of mathematics teachers' perceptions about problem solving
  • Ems Lord: Calculation fluency: A mixed methods study in English Y6 primary classrooms.
  • Min Du: Designing and evaluating a virtual English enrichment course for improving Chinese learners' communicative competence in English (co-supervision with Sara Hennessy)
  • Hui-Chuan Li: A problem-based learning approach to developing fifth grade students' fraction sense in Taiwan: Challenges and effects.
  • Eleni Demosthenous: Algebra-related topics: A multiple case study in Cypriot primary school classrooms. (co-supervision with Paul Andrews)

Topics of doctoral students currently working with Stylianides (some are co-supervised):

  • Mathematics teachers' decision-making processes in Lakatos-style proof-related instruction
  • Towards the design of an interactive simulated environment to prepare teachers for Lakatos-style proof instruction
  • The role of strategy video games and reflection in developing problem-solving skills in Malaysian form 4 secondary school students
  • Neoliberal barriers to reform in statistics education: How can assessment support progress
  • A study of the development of subitizing and counting skills and motivational orientation towards number learning among reception students in the UK: The role of abacus training
  • Effect and potentials of implementing student-centred pedagogy in Chinese mathematics classrooms
  • Undergraduate mathematics students' understanding of proof by contradiction and proof by contraposition
  • Mathematics teachers’ dialogic response to students’ errors: A secondary analysis of the Global Teaching InSights Videos from OECD

Research Projects

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Course Involvement

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Principal Publications


Stylianides A. J. & Harel G. (Eds.). (2018). Advances in mathematics education research on proof and proving: An international perspective. Springer. [Research Monograph]

Stylianides A. J. (2016). Proving in the elementary mathematics classroom. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press. [Research Monograph]

Related blog: Is elementary school mathematics "real" mathematics? OUPblog 9 October 2016.

Journal Special Issues Edited

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (Eds.). (2017). Research-based interventions in the area of proof. Educational Studies in Mathematics 96(2) 119-274.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (Eds.). (2013). Classroom-based interventions in mathematics education. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education 45(3) 333-495.

Chapters in Research Handbooks

Stylianides A. J. Komatsu K. Weber K. & Stylianides G. J. (2022). Teaching and learning authentic mathematics: the case of proving. In M. Danesi (Ed.) Handbook of Cognitive Mathematics (pp. 727-761). Cham Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Stylianides G. J. Stylianides A. J. & Weber K. (2017). Research on the teaching and learning of proof: Taking stock and moving forward. In J. Cai (Ed.) Compendium for research in mathematics education (pp. 237-266). Reston VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Stylianides A. J. Bieda K. N. & Morselli F. (2016). Proof and argumentation in mathematics education research. In A. Gutiérrez G. C. Leder & P. Boero (Eds.) The second handbook of research on the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 315-351). Rotterdam The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Makramalla M. & Stylianides A. J. (2024). The role of teacher professional networks in Egypt’s mathematics education reform. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education 56 393-407.

Stylianides G. J. Stylianides A. J. & Moutsios-Rentzos (2024). Proof and proving in school and university mathematics education research: A systematic review. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education 56(1) 47-59.

Komatsu K. Murata S. Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2024). Introducing students to the role of assumptions in mathematical activity. Cognition and Instruction 42(2) 327-357.

Zhang L. Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2023). Identifying competent problem posers and exploring their characteristics. Journal of Mathematical Behavior 72 101086.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2023). Promoting elements of mathematical knowledge for teaching related to the notion of assumptions. Mathematical Thinking and Learning.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2022). Introducing students and prospective teachers to the notion of proof in mathematics. Journal of Mathematical Behavior 66 100957.

Rycroft-Smith L. & Stylianides A. J. (2022). What makes a good educational research summary? A comparative judgement study of mathematics teachers’ and mathematics education researchers’ views. Review of Education 10(1) e3338.

Narain P. & Stylianides A. J. (2020). Demystifying proofs through structured interaction: A case study of one instructor's teaching in an undergraduate analysis course. Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics 30(SP1) 69-90.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2020). Posing new researchable questions as a dynamic process in educational research. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 18(1) 83-98.

Stylianides A. J. (2019). Secondary students' proof constructions in mathematics: the role of written vs. oral mode of argument representation. Review of Education 7(1) 156-182.

Context and Implications Document for "Secondary students' proof constructions in mathematics: the role of written vs. oral mode of argument representation" (Review of Education 2019 7(1) 183-184)

Li H.C. & Stylianides A. J. (2018). An examination of the role of the teacher and students during a problem-based learning intervention: lessons learned from a study in a Taiwanese primary mathematics classroom. Interactive Learning Environments 26(1) 106-117.

Demosthenous E. & Stylianides A. J. (2018). Algebra-related tasks: Teachers’ guidance in curriculum materials. La matematica e la sua didattica 26(1) 7-27.

Diamond A. H. & Stylianides A. J. (2017). Personal epistemologies of statisticians in academia: An exploratory study. Statistics Education Research Journal 16(2) 335-361.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2017). Research-based interventions in the area of proof: The past the present and the future. Educational Studies in Mathematics 96(2) 119-127.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2014). The role of instructional engineering in reducing the uncertainties of ambitious teaching. Cognition and Instruction 32(4) 374-415.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2014). Impacting positively on students’ mathematical problem solving beliefs: An instructional intervention of short duration. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 33 8-29.

McCrory R. & Stylianides A. J. (2014). Reasoning-­and-­proving in mathematics textbooks for prospective elementary teachers. International Journal of Educational Research 64 119-131.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2014). Viewing “mathematics for teaching” as a form of applied mathematics: Implications for the mathematical preparation of teachers. Notices of the American Mathematical Society 61(3) 266-276.

Note: This article was translated into Chinese and was published in Mathematical Advances in Translation (2015 vol. 34 no. 4 pp. 346-357) which is supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Stylianides G. J. Stylianides A. J. & Shilling-Traina L. N. (2013). Prospective teachers’ challenges in teaching reasoning-and-proving. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 11(6) 1463-1490.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2013). Seeking research-grounded solutions to problems of practice: Classroom-based interventions in mathematics education. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education 45(3) 333-341.

Roberts N. & Stylianides A. J. (2013). Telling and illustrating stories of parity: A classroom-based design experiment on young children’s use of narrative in mathematics. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education 45(3) 453-467.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2011). A type of parental involvement with an isomorphic effect on urban children's mathematics reading science and social studies achievement at kindergarten entry. Urban Education 46(3) 408-425.

Stylianides A. J. (2011). Towards a comprehensive knowledge package for teaching proof: A focus on the misconception that empirical arguments are proofs. Pythagoras 32(1) Art. #14 10 pages. (doi: 10.4102/pythagoras.v32i1.14)

Stylianides A. J. & Al-Murani T. (2010). Can a proof and a counterexample coexist? Students' conceptions about the relationship between proof and refutation. Research in Mathematics Education 12(1) 21-36.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2010). Mathematics for teaching: A form of applied mathematics. Teaching and Teacher Education 26 161-172.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2009). Proof constructions and evaluations. Educational Studies in Mathematics 72 237-253.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2009). Facilitating the transition from empirical arguments to proof. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 40 314-352.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2009). Learning about the nature of argument in mathematical and scientific contexts. Mediterranean Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 8(1) 69-80.

Stylianides A. J. & Ball D. L. (2008). Understanding and describing mathematical knowledge for teaching: Knowledge about proof for engaging students in the activity of proving. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 11 307-332.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2008). Proof in school mathematics: Insights from psychological research into students' ability for deductive reasoning. Mathematical Thinking and Learning 10 103-133.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2008). Studying the classroom implementation of tasks: High-level mathematical tasks embedded in "real-life" contexts. Teaching and Teacher Education 24 859-875.

Stylianides A. J. (2007). Proof and proving in school mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 38 289-321.

Stylianides A. J. (2007). The notion of proof in the context of elementary school mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics 65 1-20.

Stylianides A. J. (2007). Introducing young children to the role of assumptions in proving. Mathematical Thinking and Learning 9 361-385.

Stylianides G. J. Stylianides A. J. & Philippou G. N. (2007). Preservice teachers' knowledge of proof by mathematical induction. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 10 145-166.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2007). Learning mathematics with understanding: A critical consideration of the Learning Principle in the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. The Mathematics Enthusiast 4(1) 103-114.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2005). Validation of solutions of construction problems in Dynamic Geometry Environments. Technology Knowledge and Learning 10 31-47.

Stylianides A. J. Stylianides G. J. & Philippou G. N. (2004). Undergraduate students' understanding of the contraposition equivalence rule in symbolic and verbal contexts. Educational Studies in Mathematics 55 133-162.

Chapters in Edited Volumes

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2022). Pre-service teachers’ ways of addressing challenges when teaching reasoning-and-proving in their mentor teachers’ mathematics classrooms. In K. Burn T. Mutton & I. Thompson (Eds.) Practical Theorising in Teacher Education: Holding Theory and Practice Together (pp. 97-112). Routledge.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2022). On the meanings of argumentation justification and proof: General insights from analyses of elementary classroom episodes. In K. N. Bieda A. Conner K.W. Kosko & M. Staples (Eds.) Conceptions and consequences of mathematical argumentation justification and proof (pp. 65-72). Springer Cham.

Siedel H. & Stylianides A. J. (2018). Teachers’ selection of resources in an era of plenty: An interview study with secondary mathematics teachers in England. In L. Fan L. Trouche C. Qi S. Rezat & J. Visnovska (Eds.) Research on mathematics textbooks and teachers’ resources: Advances and issues (pp. 119-144). Springer.

Stylianides A. J. & Delaney S. (2018). Pre-service mathematics teachers’ knowledge and beliefs. In G. J. Stylianides & K. Hino (Eds.) Research advances in the mathematical education of pre-service elementary teachers: An international perspective (pp. 219-228). Springer.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2018). Addressing key and persistent problems of students’ learning in the area of proof. In. A. J. Stylianides & G. Harel (Eds.) Advances in mathematics education research on proof and proving: An international perspective (pp. 99-113). Springer.

Stylianides A. J. (2015). Proof in school mathematics as early as the elementary grades. In E. A. Silver & P. A. Kenney (Eds.) More lessons learned from research (Vol. 1 pp. 59-70). Reston VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2015). Creating a need for proof. In E. A. Silver & P. A. Kenney (Eds.) More lessons learned from research (Vol. 1 pp. 9-22). Reston VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Stylianides A. J. (2014). Proof. In P. Andrews & T. Rowland (Eds.) MasterClass in Mathematics Education: International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (pp. 101-112). London: Bloomsbury Publishers.

Zaslavsky O. Nickerson S. D. Stylianides A. J. Kidron I. & Winicki G. (2012). The need for proof and proving: mathematical and pedagogical perspectives. In G. Hanna & M. de Villiers (Eds.) Proof and proving in mathematics education: The 19th ICMI Study (New ICMI Study Series Vol. 15 pp. 215-229). Springer New York.

Stylianides A. J. & Delaney S. (2011). The cultural dimension of teachers' mathematical knowledge. In T. Rowland & K. Ruthven (Eds.) Mathematical knowledge in Teaching (pp. 179-191). Springer.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2011). Investigation of undergraduate education and mathematics students' conceptions about the use of computer in the proving process: The case of the four color theorem. In A. Gagatsis & C. Charalambous. Research issues in mathematics education: A collection in honor of Professor George Philippou (pp. 91-100). University of Cyprus Nicosia Cyprus. (in Greek)

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2010). Toward the design of instructional interventions in the area of proof. In A. Gagatsis T. Rowland A. Panaoura & A. Stylianides (Eds.) Mathematics education research at the University of Cyprus and the University of Cambridge: A symposium(pp. 203-218). Nicosia Cyprus: School of Social Sciences and Sciences of Education University of Cyprus.

Articles in Professional Journals

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2015). The Blond Hair problem. Mathematics Teaching 247 20-24.

Stylianides A. J. (2009). Breaking the equation "empirical argument = proof." Mathematics Teaching 213 9-14. (Available also at the NRICH website.)

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2004). Dynamic investigation of an optimisation problem: Maximising the volume of rectangular prisms. Micromath 2(2) 24-29.

Book Review

Stylianides A. J. & Rogers L. (2013). The Cult of Pythagoras: Math and Myths by A. Martinez [Book Review]. Science & Education 22 2351-2355. (Published also in the June 2013 Newsletter of the “International History Philosophy and Science Teaching Group”:

Articles in Refereed Proceedings or Websites of Conferences

Deslis D. Stylianides A. J. & Jamnik M. (2023). Primary school teachers’ mathematical knowledge and views about Lakatos-style proving activity: A latent profile analysis. In P. Drijvers C. Csapodi H. Palmér K. Gosztonyi & E. Kónya (Eds.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13) (pp. 104-111). Budapest Hungary: Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and ERME.

Yang M. Stylianides A. J. & Jamnik M. (2023). Teachers’ orientations of noticing and its underlying mechanisms in the context of Lakatos-style proving activity. In P. Drijvers C. Csapodi H. Palmér K. Gosztonyi & E. Kónya (Eds.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13) (pp. 312–319). Budapest Hungary: Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and ERME.

Zhang Y. & Stylianides A. J. (2023). A comparative case study of the mathematics pedagogy in two Chinese schools: How “student-centered” is a proclaimed reformed pedagogy? In P. Drijvers C. Csapodi H. Palmér K. Gosztonyi & E. Kónya (Eds.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13) (pp. 3666–3673). Budapest Hungary: Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and ERME.

Yang M. Stylianides A. J. & Jamnik M. (2023). Teachers’ multiple and adaptive noticing driven by their framing of professional obligations in the context of a proving activity. In M. Ayalon B. Koichu R. Leikin L. Rubel. & M. Tabach (Eds.) Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 4 pp. 363-378). Haifa Israel.

Deslis D. Stylianides A. J. & Jamnik M. (2022). Two primary school teachers’ mathematical knowledge of content students and teaching practices relevant to Lakatos-style investigation of proof tasks. In J. Hodgen E. Geraniou G. Bolondi & F. Ferretti. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12) (pp. 151-158). Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and ERME.

Yang M. Stylianides A. J. & Jamnik M. (2022). Chinese teachers’ professional noticing of students’ reasoning in the context of Lakatos-style proving activity. In J. Hodgen E. Geraniou G. Bolondi & F. Ferretti. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12) (pp. 315-322). Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and ERME.

Zhang L. Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2022). Problematizing the notion of problem posing expertise. In J. Hodgen E. Geraniou G. Bolondi & F. Ferretti. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12) (pp. 4058-4065). Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and ERME.

Makramalla M. & Stylianides A. J. (2021). “I have started this new trend at the end of [students’] notebooks”: A case study of a mathematics teacher caught within a reproductive cycle of hierarchical cascading of power. In D. Kollosche (Ed.) Exploring new ways to connect: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Mathematics Education and Society Conference (Vol. 2 pp. 641–650). Tredition.

Deslis D. Stylianides A. J. & Jamnik M. (2021). Primary school teachers’ mathematical knowledge for Lakatos-style proof instruction. In Inprasitha M. Changsri & N. Boonsena (Eds.) Proceedings of the 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 2 pp. 209-217). Khon Kaen Thailand.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2021). Posing new researchable questions as a dynamic process: The case of research on students’ justification schemes. Paper available at the website of the 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education under TSG 16. Shanghai China.

Makramalla M. & Stylianides A. J. (2021). Contextual barriers to the integration of problem solving in the Egyptian mathematics classroom. Paper available at the website of the 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education under TSG 54. Shanghai China.

Lord E. & Stylianides A. J. (2019). Flexibility and formal algorithms: A mixed methods study. In U. T. Jankvist M. van den Heuvel-Panhuizen & M. Veldhuis (Eds.) Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 453-460). Utrecht The Netherlands: Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute Utrecht University and ERME.

Makramalla M. & Stylianides A. J. (2019). The contextual power dynamics in defining and utilising problem solving tasks: A case study at an Egyptian private school. In U. T. Jankvist M. van den Heuvel-Panhuizen & M. Veldhuis (Eds.) Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 1928-1935). Utrecht The Netherlands: Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute Utrecht University and ERME.

Komatsu K. Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2019). Task design for developing students’ recognition of the roles of assumptions in mathematical activity. In U. T. Jankvist M. van den Heuvel-Panhuizen & M. Veldhuis (Eds.) Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 233-240). Utrecht The Netherlands: Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute Utrecht University and ERME.

Harel G. Stylianides A. J. Boero P. Miyazaki M. & Reid D. (2017). Topic Study Group No. 18: Reasoning and proof in mathematics education. In G. Kaiser (Ed.) Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (pp. 459-461). ICME-13 Monographs.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2017). Promoting prospective elementary teachers’ knowledge about the role of assumptions in mathematical activity. In T. Dooley & G. Guedet (Eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 3748-3755). Dublin Ireland: DCU Institute of Education and ERME.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2016). Classroom-based interventions in the area of proof: Some design considerations. Article to be available at the website of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education under Topic Study Group 18. Hamburg Germany.

Li H-C. & Stylianides A. J. (2016). The roles of teacher and students during a problem-based learning intervention. Article to be available at the website of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education under Topic Study Group 26. Hamburg Germany.

Siedel H. & Stylianides A. J. (2016). Teachers’ selection of resources in an era of plenty. Article to be available at the website of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education under Topic Study Group 38. Hamburg Germany.

Stylianides A. J. (2015). The role of mode of representation in students’ argument constructions. In K. Krainer & N. Vondrová (Eds.) Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 213-220). Czech Republic Prague. (Published at HAL archives website:

Demosthenous E. & Stylianides A. J. (2014). Algebra-related tasks in primary school textbooks. In C. Nicol P. Liljedahl S. Oesterle & D. Allan (Eds.) Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and the 36th Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 2 pp. 369-376). Vancouver Canada.

Siedel H. & Stylianides A. J. (2014). If not textbooks then what? English mathematics teachers’ use of alternative resources. In K. Jones C. Bokhove G. Howson & L. Fan (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development (ICMT-2014) (pp. 543-544). Southampton UK: University of Southampton.

Stylianides A. J. Stylianides G. J. & Shilling-Traina L. N. (2012). “The big hurdle to overcome is getting students out of the mode of thinking that math is just plug-in and move on kind of thing”: Challenges in beginning to teach reasoning-and-proving. Article available at the website of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education under Topic Study Group 14 ( Seoul Korea.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2011). An intervention of students’ problem-solving beliefs. In M. Pytlak T. Rowland & E. Swoboda (Eds.) Proceedings of the 7th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 1209-1218). Rzeszów Poland.

Stylianides A. J. & Al-Murani T. (2009). “Can a proof and a counterexample coexist?” A study of students’ conceptions about proof. In Proceedings of the 6th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 311-321). France Lyon.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2009). Ability to construct proofs and evaluate one’s own constructions. In F. Lin F. Hsieh G. Hanna & M. de Villiers (Eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Commission on Mathematical Instruction: Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education (Vol. 2 pp. 166-171). National Taiwan Normal University Taipei Taiwan: ICMI Study Series 19 Springer.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2009). The mathematical preparation of teachers: A focus on tasks. In Proceedings of the 6th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 1931-1940). France Lyon.

Stylianides A. J. (2009). Towards a more comprehensive "knowledge package" for teaching proof. In J. H. Meyer & A. van Biljon (Eds.) Proceedings of the 15th Annual Congress of the Association of South Africa (AMESA) (Vol. 1 pp. 242-263). University of the Free State Bloemfontein South Africa.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2008). “Cognitive conflict” as a mechanism for supporting developmental progressions in students’ knowledge about proof. Article available at the website of the 11th International Congress on Mathematical Education under Topic Study Group 18 ( Monterrey Mexico.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2008). Enhancing undergraduate students’ understanding of proof. Electronic proceedings of the 11th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education ( San Diego California.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2007). The mental models theory of deductive reasoning: Implications for proof instruction. In D. Pitta-Pantazi & G. Philippou (Eds.) Proceedings of the 5th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 665-674). Cyprus Larnaca.

Stylianides A. J. & Stylianides G. J. (2006). Content knowledge for mathematics teaching: The case of reasoning and proving. In J. Novotná H. Moraová M. Krátká & N. Stehliková (Eds.) Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 5 pp. 201-208). Prague Czech Republic.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2006). “Making proof central to pre- high school mathematics is an appropriate instructional goal”: Provable refutable or undecidable proposition? In J. Novotná H. Moraová M. Krátká & N. Stehliková (Eds.) Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 5 pp. 209-216). Prague Czech Republic.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2006). Promoting teacher learning of mathematics: The use of “teaching-related mathematics tasks” in teacher education. In S. Alatorre J. L. Cortina M. Sáiz & A. Méndez (Eds.) Proceedings of the 28th Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 2 pp. 411-417). Mérida México: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.

Stylianides A. J. Stylianides G. J. & Philippou G. N. (2005). Prospective teachers’ understanding of proof: What if the truth set of an open sentence is broader than that covered by the proof? In H. L. Chick & J. L. Vincent (Eds.) Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 4 pp. 241-248). Melbourne Australia.

Stylianides G. J. & Stylianides A. J. (2004). Reconsidering the drag test as criterion of validation for solutions of construction problems in dynamic geometry environments. Article available at the website of the 10th International Congress on Mathematical Education under Topic Study Group 15 ( Denmark Copenhagen.

Stylianides G. J. Stylianides A. J. & Philippou G. N. (2003). Undergraduate students’ understanding of proof by mathematical induction. In T. Triantafyllides K. Hadjikyriakou P. Politis & A. Chronaki (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th Panellenian Conference on Didactics of Mathematics and Computers in Education (pp. 150-158). University of Thessaly Volos Greece. (in Greek)

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