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Paul Warwick


  • Associate Professor
  • Primary Science Teacher Education

E-mail Address


01223 767544


BEd (Hons) BSc MEd


  • British Educational Research Association
  • European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction
  • American Educational Research Association

Please note: visiting scholars & PhD candidates

Paul is not accepting PhD candidates or visiting scholars from September 2022. He will retire from the Faculty in September 2023.

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Paul is engaged in a range of research and teaching activities in the Faculty that link directly with his interests in primary science education the uses of technology in teaching and learning and the professional development of trainee and beginning teachers. His research has focused on young pupils' developing understanding of the scientific approach to enquiry the role of the technologies in the development of a dialogic classroom pedagogy and the development of teacher learning through lesson study. He has an interest the development of teachers as reflective practitioners - in particular the ways in which beginning teachers create and sustain a professional identity.

Paul is a member of Early Years and Primary Masters PGCE team focusing on courses in Science Computing & ICT and Researching Practice. He makes contributions to Masters courses supervises on the PhD and EdD and has acted as external examiner for Initial Teacher Education at three HEIs; he has also acted as external examiner for both EdD and PhD. He has been a reviewer for the journals 'Computers and Education' 'International Journal of Educational Research' 'Journal of Computer Assisted Learning' 'Research in Science and Technology Education' 'Learning Media and Technology' 'Journal of Biological Education' 'Language and Education' and the 'Curriculum Journal'.

Paul is a Fellow of Homerton College Cambridge and is currently a member of College Council. He is a founder member of Oracy@Cambridge a study centre at Hughes Hall Cambridge established in 2015. He is proud to be a patron of Articulacy.

Academic Group and interests

Paul is a member if the CEDiR research group steering committee. Please note that he is no longer open to submissions from potential PhD candidates or post-doctoral colleagues.

He has academic interests in:

  • Dialogue as a tool for learning
  • Technology in teaching and learning
  • Science for the 3-13 age range
  • Teacher learning

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Research Topics

  • Procedural aspects of science
  • Pedagogy and science
  • Technology and pedagogy
  • Dialogue and collaboration in classrooms
  • Men in Primary Education
  • Research Lesson Study

Recent Research and Development Projects

Digitalised Dialogues Across the Curriculum: design-based interventions for
developing 21st century skills (DiDiAC)

PI England - Paul Warwick; PI Norway - Ingvill Rasmussen

DiDiAC built on a long-standing collaboration between research groups at the University of Oslo and the University of Cambridge. In Norwegian and English secondary schools the research team conducted design-based interventions drawing on dialogic classroom strategies and on technology developed at the University of Oslo (the micro-blogging tool TalkWall available online in English and Norwegian). This 4-year project was funded by The Research Council of Norway with the Faculty of Education receiving approximately £230000

Paul was an adviser on the Faculty's 'Virtual Internships' project (2019-21). Working with industry partners and teachers in different parts of the UK this investigates how technology can enable young people from areas of low social mobility to engage meaningfully with the world of work.

Recent funded research projects

  • How does stuff get made? Developing primary manufacturing outreach capabilities. Working with the institute for Manufacturing at Cambridge this project aimed to influence perceptions of ‘manufacturing’ held by many primary school children and their teachers. More information is available here. It was funded by Royal Academy of Engineering.
  • Male teachers in primary schools: examining identity and role expectations (with Simon Brownhill & Jane Warwick). This project investigated discourses relating to the broad construction of identity of men who train and work in early years and primary school classrooms (Newton Trust small grant).
  • Lesson Study as a mechanism for teacher learning. In collaboration with Camden Local Education Authority this project considered how teachers of mathematics in both primary and secondary schools can employ Lesson Study (LS) as a mechanism for learning and development.For more information please go to Camden Lesson Study. (Funded by the London Lord Mayor's Fund)
  • Interactive Whiteboards and collaborative pupil learning in primary science (ESRC funded with Neil Mercer Ruth Kershner and Judith Kleine Staarman - see IWBs and Collaboration). Project evaluated by the ESRC as 'Good'.
  • Bridging Practice and Research into Teaching and Learning with Technology (Sara Hennessy ESRC fellowship; co-researcher) Project evaluated by the ESRC as 'Very good'.
  • A professional development resource to support dialogic teaching with ICT (Newton Trust small grant with Sara Hennessy)
  • The Assessment of Oracy. Funded by the Educational Endowment Fund this large scale project focused on approaches to developing and assessing oracy with disadvantaged pupils. Paul was Co-investigator (Principal Investigator - Neil Mercer) on the element of the project that focuses on the assessment of oracy. This element had funding of £100000; the project ended in October 2014. An evaluation of the project can be found at Oracy Assessment Toolkit
  • Classroom Dialogue supported by the Interactive Whiteboard - impact study. This project (February-July 2014) investigates the impact of a CPD programme focused on the use of the interactive whiteboard for dialogic teaching and learning. It is funded by the ESRC and led by Sara Hennessy Paul Warwick & Tatjana Dragovic. For more information please go to TES

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Course Involvement

Primary Postgraduate Masters; Masters; PhD

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Recent Publications

Amodia-Bidakowska A. Hennessy S. & Warwick P. (2023)Disciplinary dialogues: Exploring the association between classroom dialogue and learning outcomes within and between subjects in English primary schools Learning Culture and Social InteractionVolume 43
Vermunt J.D. Vrikki M. Dudley P. & Warwick P. (2023) Relations between teacher learning patterns personal and contextual factors and learning outcomes in the context of Lesson Study. Teaching and Teacher Education 133.

Amundrud A. Rasmussen I. & Warwick P. (2022) - Teaching talk for learning during co-located microblogging activities. Learning Culture and Social Interaction Volume 34

Major L. Smørdal O. Warwick P. Rasmussen I. Cook V. & Vrikki M. (2022). Investigating digital technology’s role in supporting classroom dialogue: Integrating enacted affordance into analysis across a complex dataset. International Journal of Research & Method in Education 0(0) 1–19.

Ahmed A. Howe C. Major L. Hennessy S. Mercer N. & Warwick P. (2021). Developing a test of reasoning for preadolescents. International Journal of Research & Method in Education 0(0) 1–13.

Cook V. & Warwick P. (2021). Realising student voice through dialogic engagement with a microblogging tool. Education 3-13. Available online:

Vrikki M. Warwick P. & Rodnes K.A. (2021) Developing a frame for action with digital technology through extending teacher noticing. Teacher Development. Available online:

Cook V. Major L. Warwick P. & Vrikki M. (2020). Developing collaborative creativity through microblogging: A material-dialogic approach. Thinking Skills and Creativity 37 100685.

Brownhill S. Warwick P. Warwick J. & Brown-Hajdukova E. (2020) ‘Role model’ or ‘facilitator’? Exploring male teachers’ and male trainees’ perceptions of the term ‘role model’ in England. Gender and Education DOI 10.1080/09540253.2020.1825638

Warwick P. Cook V. Vrikki M. Major L. & Rasmussen I. (2020). Realising ‘dialogic intentions’ when working with a microblogging tool in secondary school classrooms. Learning Culture and Social Interaction 24 100376.

Cook V. & Warwick P. (2020) Distance learning and digital technology: Adapting a microblogging tool to develop online collaboration. The Education Exchange -

Major L. & Warwick P. (2019) ‘Affordances for dialogue’: the role of digital technology in supporting productive classroom talk. In Neil Mercer Rupert Wegerif Louis Major (Eds) The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education. London: Routledge. pp. 394-410.

Mercer N. Mannion J. & Warwick P. (2019) Oracy and dialogic education: the development of young people’s spoken language skills. In Neil Mercer Rupert Wegerif Louis Major (Eds) The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education. London: Routledge. pp. 291-304.

Warwick P. & Cook V. (2019) Classroom Dialogue (section introduction). In Neil Mercer Rupert Wegerif Louis Major (Eds) The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education. London: Routledge. pp. 120-123.

Ludvigsen S. Warwick P. Rasmussen I. Rødnes K.A. Smørdal O. & Major L. (2019). Learning as Gap-Closing: Investigating Digitalised Dialogues. In Åsa Mäkitalo Todd Nicewonger & Mark Elam (Eds) Designs for experimentation and inquiry: Approaching learning and knowing in digital transformation. London:Routledge ( )

Dudley P. Warwick P. Vrikki M. Vermunt J. D. Mercer N. Van Halem N. & Færøyvik Karlsen A.M. (2019). Implementing a new mathematics curriculum in the UK: Lesson Study as a driver for professional dialogue and teacher learning. In R. Huang A. Takahashi & J. P. da Ponte (eds) Theory and Practice of Lesson Study in Mathematics: An international perspective. New York US:Springer.

Vermunt J.D. Vrikki m. van Halem N. Warwick P. & Mercer N. (2019). The impact of Lesson Study professional development on the quality of teacher learning. Teaching and Teacher Education 81 61-73. Available online:

Warwick P. Vrikki M. Færøyvik Karlsen A.M. Dudley P. & Vermunt J. D. (2019) The role of pupil voice as a trigger for teacher learning in Lesson Study professional groups. Cambridge Journal of Education 49 Issue 4 435-455.

Cook V. Warwick P. Vrikki M. Major L. & Wegerif R. (2019) Developing material-dialogic space in geography learning and teaching: combining a dialogic pedagogy with the use of a microblogging tool. Thinking Skills and Creativity Volume 31 Pages 217-231. Available online first

Cook V. Warwick P. Boggis S. Chadwick D. Makepeace S. & Davis C. (2019) Developing collaboration communication and critical thinking using a micro-blogging tool. Impact Special Edition - Education Technology. Chartered College of Teaching. London: Redactive Media Group pp 57-59. Available online

For other publications see Google Scholar

In Press Submitted and in Preparation

In preparation

Rasmussen & Warwick - Using microblogging to create a space for attending and attuning to others. Book chapter - Oxford University Press

Recent Presentations and Talks

2023 Rasmusssen I. & Warwick P. Combining in-class microblogging and jointly created talk rules to enhance student participation in classroom dialogue. American Educational Research Association conference. Chicago USA. April 2023

2023 Warwick P. Developing the dialogic use of technolofgy in classrooms. Wood Foundation Aberdeen. January 2023

2021. Warwick P. Mediating the study of socioscientific issues in a dialogic classroom through the 'language of possibility' and the use of a microblogging tool. EARLI Gothenburg (online). August 2021

2021. Warwick P. Organising talk in the virtual World (and panel discussion). Oracy Cambridge Summer Conference (online). July 2021

2020. Warwick P. Using Talkwall for Dialogic Teaching and Learning. Voice 21 Autumn Conference (online). October 2020

2019. Warwick P. Scaffolding reasoning in science classrooms: methodological tools for investigating microblogging in the context of a dialogic pedagogy. American Educational Research Association. Toronto Canada. April 2019.

2018. Warwick P. Oracy in the classroom. What is it? How is it related to dialogue? And why should we bother with it? Windsor Academy Trust conference. Birmingham. December 2018

2018. Warwick P. Keynote: School development through research-practice partnerships. University of Oslo. September 2018 (Conference entitled ‘Subject renewal and decentralized competence development’ in preparation for the implementation of the new Norwegian curriculum). Other keynotes: Catherine Snow (Harvard) Neil Mercer (Hughes Hall Cambridge) & John Q. Easton (University of Chicago).

2018. Warwick P. Connecting teaching learning and assessment for the C21st. Majorstuer Skola Oslo Norway. April 2018.

2018. Warwick P. Combining a developing dialogic pedagogy & digital tool use: the potential of microblogging in creating a ‘dialogic space for learning’. Research Seminar Series. University of Durham. March 2018

2018. Warwick P. A research-based toolkit for assessing children's spoken language skills in the Classroom. The Brilliant Club Seminar Series. UCL Institute of Education. January 2018

2018. Warwick P. Talk as a Professional Tool: preparing student teachers to use and develop talk in their classrooms. Oracy Skills in Higher Education Conference. University of Surrey. January 2018

2017. Warwick P. Keynote. Analysing Dialogue and Interaction in the context of intervention research studies. University of Stavanger Norway. November 2017

2017. Warwick P. & Major L. Investigating the potential of micro-blogging in creating a ‘dialogic space for learning’. Association for Learning Technology. University of Liverpool. September 2017

2017. Vrikki M. Warwick P. Vermunt J.D. & Mercer N. The development process of a coding protocol for understanding teacher learning in the context of Lesson Study. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). University of Tampere Finland. August/September 2017.

2017. Warwick P. Invited Talk: Digitalised Dialogues Across the Curriculum: Investigating the use of a micro-blogging tool in the ‘dialogic classroom’. Exeter University Graduate School of Education. January 2017.