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Education Equality and Development: News

wringing on a wall


Monday 3rd July - Friday 7th July - project funded by the Cambridge Africa Alborada Fund

Global Education Refugee Movement conference roomDr Hilary Cremin will be welcoming teachers and academic colleagues from Uganda and Birmingham next week (from 3rd July 2017) as part of a research and development project focusing on the education needs of young refugees.
This project has been funded by the Cambridge Africa Alborada Fund. It brings together teachers working with young people in Holte Secondary School in Birmingham and Panyadoli Secondary School in Kiryandongo District Uganda. The project involves a workshop event in Cambridge a hosted visit to Birmingham peer mediation training in Holte School and a ‘photo-voice’ project for students in Birmigham and Uganda on the theme of ‘Together and Apart’. The photo-voice projects will generate data that will be written up in professional and academic journals.
Education professionals in the UK are increasingly facing the challenge of educating young people who have recently experienced terror war and trauma. This project aims to respond to that need. Makerere University’s Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies and the School of Social Sciences have long been collaborating with agencies working in refugee camps to engage in peace education programs. Education professionals in the UK have a lot to learn from the best practice of researchers and professionals working with young people in Uganda who have been directly affected by armed conflict just as researchers and professionals in Uganda have much to gain from collaboration with teachers and peace education researchers at the University of Cambridge who have been working in settings of urban conflict in the UK. This research and development project is designed to enable this collaboration to take place.
The project will involve three phases. First the academics in the UK will support Holte School in Birmingham to carry out a ‘photo-voice’ project with selected students. Groups of students will produce presentations about life in their school and community reflecting on the themes of the project and drawing on their own photographs. Groups of students selected for this include the current peer mediators the Junior Leadership team (student advocates) refugee children and primary students.
The second stage involves the Ugandans visiting the UK. This visit will take place in both Cambridge (where the Birmingham teachers will also visit) and Birmingham. The Ugandans will be in the UK for one week. In the first part of the week there will be a workshop in Cambridge. In the second half of the week there will be a hosted visit to Holte School in Birmingham. During this visit the Ugandans will have a tour of the school and meet people who are working with refugee children. They will also see (and judge) the photo-voice presentations and participate in peer mediation training for a new group of peer mediators in Holte.
The third stage involves the Ugandans carrying out similar photo-voice projects with their students and sharing findings with colleagues from the UK. Dr Cremin Dr Bukuluki and Dr Alex Bagabo will coordinate data collection and analysis in both settings and produce academic and professional outcomes. There will be a conference in Cambridge to share findings at the end of the project in the Spring of 2018.

For more information or to ask to join the workshop please email Dr Hilary Cremin

BAICE Student Essay Prize

Congratulations to Peter Sutoris a Gates Scholar and EED (Culture Politics and Global Justice) student for winning the BAICE Student Essay prize 2016. He is supervised by Dr Jo Dillabough and his thesis is entitled: Ethically scaling up interventions in educational development.

Congratulations Peter!

Cambridge University Student Union Student -Led Teaching Awards

Sociology of Education Lecturer Dr Jo-Anne Dillabough has been shortlisted for the Cambridge University Student Union Student-Led Teaching Awards under the classification of Teaching and Student Support.

Dr Dillabough is a Reader in the Sociology of Education and the Sociology of Young People and Global Cultures. She has also held the prestigious David Lam Chair in Multicultural Education (UBC).

CUSU received over 600 nominations in this year’s competition. The shortlisting of these awards are determined solely by students seeking to recognise ‘outstanding teaching and student support’ across Cambridge University.

This competition provides an independent assessment of a University of Cambridge colleague’s contribution to student experience allowing students to nominate the staff and faculty they feel are most deserving of the CUSU based honour.

Final awards are announced on 9 May 2017.


NEW MPhil in Education Globalisation and International Development

Monday 30 November

The Faculty of Education of the University of Cambridge invites interested candidates to apply for an exciting new MPhil in Education Globalisation and International Development.

The MPhil will provide students with the opportunity to assess critically the challenges faced by resource-constrained education systems as well as possibilities for change.

The new Global Goals to be achieved by 2030 agreed by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015 presents a key opportunity for students on the MPhil to engage with the role of equality diversity and inclusion to achieve education and learning goals.

The MPhil will address topical issues such as:

  • reaching children with disabilities
  • poverty gender and education
  • education in conflict settings and for peace
  • use of digital technologies
  • acquisition of skills for young people relevant to the global economy.

Students will benefit from teaching by internationally-renowned Faculty staff who are actively involved in cutting edge research and evidence-based policy advice in international development settings.

Introducing the Cambridge Migration Research Forum (CAMMIGRES)

The event welcomes postgraduates and postdoctorates with research interests in migration. 5pm-7pm 3 November 2015 B3 Institute of Criminology Sidgwick Site. Drinks and light refreshments will be served.

CAMMIGRES Introductory event information

Cambridge Peace Education Group - CPERG Peace Education Seminar

23 – 25 September 2015

First International Seminar - Faculty of Education University of Cambridge

Where Now for Peace Education?: Theory and Praxis for the 21st Century

The CPERG peace education seminar is the first of its kind in Cambridge. It gathers 50 peace education scholars and practitioners together in an intimate setting to foster dialogue on cutting-edge research practice and theory for the field. It is envisioned as an interdisciplinary intercultural intergenerational and transnational encounter.

Participants represent all inhabited continents near and far and includes well-established leading experts in the field as well as young emerging researchers who tackle the challenging questions of peace education in diverse contexts including those directly affected by war and conflict.

The participants will discuss

  • citizenship learning and values in peace education
  • peace democracy and sustainability in local contexts
  • peace education in schools and universities
  • the role of arts in promoting cultures of peace

The aim of the week is to inspire global dialogue on the intersections between education conflict and peace and to promote international collaboration to push peace education research theory and practice forward in the 21st century.

Tuesday 17 November

Download the Cambridge Peace Education Research Group's first International Seminar Report Autumn 2015

Where now for peace education in the twenty first century?

An inter-generational group of world-leading scholars discuss...

Download the full Programme with abstracts and biographies of keynotes and paper presentations.

BERA Masters Dissertation Award 2015 - Alvin Leung

Congratulations to Alvin Leung (PDDE 2013-14) who has recently been announced as the recipient of the 2015 British Educational Research Association’s Masters Dissertation Award presented for the most outstanding thesis or dissertation produced as part of a Masters course in Education issued by a British university.

Alvin’s success marks a notable distinction for the PDDE programme with students from the course now having won this prestigious national award in two successive years.

Further details of the dissertation will be published in due course on the BERA blog BERA Insight and in the BERA magazine - Research Intelligence.

Award to Jo-Anne Dillabough June 2015

An ESRC Impact Accelerator Grant grant entitled "Youth and Securitization in the 'Global North' and 'South': Cities social housing and urban conflict" has been awarded to Dr.Jo-Anne Dillabough.

It will examine the nature of the strains of increased surveillance and policing of urban youth and the potentially unpredictable outcomes they may produce transnationally.

Society for Educational Studies annual seminar

Friday 20 February

The Society for Educational Studies held its annual seminar here in the Faculty where Steven Ball and Hilary Cremin were keynote speakers showcasing our wider links with research organisations and publishers.

Education for the 21st Century: Thinking outside the Bubble.

The day featured the Faculty's Hilary Cremin as a keynote speaker and Prof Martin Mills visiting scholar from the University of Queensland.

It aimed to consider alternatives to an education system that sets itself up as if there were none! The seminar also featured a panel discussion that included ex pupils from AS Neill's Summerhill School a teacher and blogger who has spent time in classrooms in five 'top performing' education systems an inspirational principal of one of the largest and most diverse sixth form colleges in the UK and a book prize presentation.

This featured Prof John Furlong from Oxford University reflecting on his book about the future of teacher education a special optional workshop for new researchers who want to get published in top peer reviewed journals run by Taylor and Francis Publishers on behalf of the British Journal for Educational Studies.

A specially commissioned address was given by Prof Nel Noddings from Stanford University.


Faculty PhD student wins EERA Best Paper award

Monday 27 October

The European Educational Research Association gave Best Paper Award to Cora Lingling Xu for her work on Identity and Cross-border Student Mobility: The Mainland China-Hong Kong Experience and Its Inverse-directional Parallel European Implications?

Cora is a PhD candidate at the Faculty and her research interests include education inequalities and identity construction especially in higher education in the greater China area.

Read the Best paper Award article.

Profile of a Faculty of Education 'Gates Cambridge Scholar'

Monday 20 October

Arif Naveed is a Gates Cambridge Scholar who has already had a major impact on education policy in his home country Pakistan. At the Faculty of Education Cambridge he will go back to basics and question the assumption that education is the best way out of poverty.

Arif completed an MPhil in Educational Research in 2013 under Professor Madeleine Arnot’s supervision and recently they published their joint research on youth gender and citizenship in the Punjab showing how the rural landscape is changing.

As schooling takes hold it acts as a new social differentiator in the rural field and the growing gap between the educated and uneducated is reshaping gender relations and vice versa.

For his PhD which is jointly supervised by Professor Arnot and Professor Anna Vignoles; Arif will extend this family-focused research longitudinally and integrate it with improved econometric modelling to assess whether education can disrupt the intergenerational transmission of poverty.

He says: “I want to reconceptualise schooling so that it is genuinely transformative for the poor and helps them realise their true potential.

Read How can education be transformative.

Winner of first BERA Masters Dissertation Award

Thursday 28 August

Kenichi Udagawa a former MPhil student of Politics Development and Democratic Education (PDDE) from the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education has won the first BERA Masters Dissertation Award for his MPhil thesis: "Creating a discursive equality: The legitimation of meritocracy in New Labour and coalition government educational discourse 2007-2013".

Supervised by Phil Gardner Kenichi completed his MPhil in July 2013 and undertook a PGCE in the Faculty. He is about to start a career as a teacher in London.

Visiting Cambridge Fellowship at the University of Canterbury Christchurch New Zealand.

Wednesday 12 November

Kristine Black-Hawkins has recently been awarded an Erskine Visiting Cambridge Fellowship at the University of Canterbury New Zealand.

She will be based at the Schools of Educational Studies & Leadership Teacher Education and Health Sciences from July to September 2015 and work with Head of School Dr Missy Morton who visited the Faculty of Education in Michaelmas 2013. They share research interests in inclusive education and specifically with regard to inclusive pedagogy and curriculum.

During her stay Kristine will have the opportunity to teach in the University visit local schools and Government advisers and continue her collaborative work with Dr Morton examining how student and recently qualified teachers can be supported to develop their inclusive classroom practices.

Erskine Visiting Cambridge Fellowships are arranged through the Cambridge/Canterbury Academic Exchange Programme which was launched in 2008 with the aim of forging academic links between the two universities