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Current Projects

Some Current Projects

Caribbean Poetry with the University of West Indies in Jamaica and Trinidad


Morag Styles
Centre for Commonwealth Education

Morag Styles has set up a joint project on Caribbean Poetry with the University of West Indies in Jamaica and Trinidad. It is linked to the Poetry Archive and funded by the Centre for Commonwealth Education. Our brief is to promote achievement through learning and teaching of poetry in schools in the Caribbean and UK and to develop a research strand. To those ends we intend to construct an interventionist short course on Caribbean poetry for teachers and trainees which will be devised by poets and leading international educationalists and scholars in the field to be delivered in Cambridge Jamaica and Trinidad in 2011. Outcomes will include refereed journal articles written by participants in Cambridge and the Caribbean and materials for teachers. One conference or symposium in Cambridge (and we hope another in the Caribbean) will be part of the dissemination process in 2012. Advisors to the project include Edward Baugh Mervyn Morris and Andrew Motion.

Sonic Pi Live & Coding


Sonic Pi: Live & Coding is an exciting new digital research project supported by the prestigious Digital R&D Fund for the Arts run by Cambridge Junction and key partners Cambridge University and The Raspberry Pi Foundation.

This ground-breaking project focuses on the low cost (£25) highly accessible credit-card sized Raspberry Pi computer which was created to encourage children and young people all over the world to learn programming. The Sonic Pi: Live & Coding project is exploring the computers use in education particularly the creative potential of live coding to provide new routes for young people into digital music.

The project is working with Sonic Pi Live software which uses code to turn a Raspberry Pi computer into a fully customisable musical instrument. Young people have been working closely with high profile artists teachers and musicians and the creator of Sobic Pi Live Dr Sam Aaron.

Pamela Burnard
Jan - Dec 2014
Digital R&D Fund for the Arts (NESTA)

Illustrated Books for Children at Anglia Ruskin School of Art


Morag Styles is currently collaborating with Martin Salisbury who runs the MA Course on Illustrated Books for Children at Anglia Ruskin School of Art. They are currently running a third seminar series Words about Pictures Pictures about Words. Previous speakers included artists and authors Quentin Blake John Lawrence Charlotte Voake and Martin Waddell.