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PLACE: Students

student paintingResearch Students - completing/completed a PhD

Name Topic Supervisors Balfour Beatrice Reggio Approach and Gender Jo-Anne Dillabough Biddulph James William Exploring creative learning in minority children's lived experiences at home Pam Burnard and Mandy Swann Catchpool Michael Can’t write won’t write: the importance and impact of task and audience on children’s development as writers Morag Styles and Neil Mercer Chong Su Li Texts and contexts: the print-based and multimodal reading experiences of multilingual Malaysian undergraduates from a British university Gabrielle Cliff-Hodges Clarke Sophie Digital and Codex Picturebooks: Children's interactions with an evolving text Fiona Maine Farr Nicola Whole school participatory research investigation of a culturally ethical curriculum Pam Burnard Fairbanks Stephen A study of the nature and effectiveness of social justice programmes in music education Pam Burnard Forbes Karen Cross-linguistic transfer of literacy skills: Implications for raising standards in writing through developing cognitive and metacognitive strategy use Linda Fisher Frederico Aline The Construction of Meaning of Pre-schoolers Reading Picturebook Apps Fiona Maine Freeman Clare Young readers' individual engagement with fiction Gabrielle Cliff-Hodges Herescu Alina Roxana The role of higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) and cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) in content and language integrated learning (CLIL): a case-study of learners of English in Romania Michael Evans Iordanaki Evangelia A socio-cultural study exploring groups of Greek and British 11-year-old children's responses to wordless picturebooks Fiona Maine Mocona Ana-Marie An investigation of intercultural programmes and pedagogies in Higher Education Pam Burnard Nicolova Afrodita Developing an poetry slam programme for implementation in Macedonian prisons: transforming identities Pam Burnard Olsen Patrick Improvisation in formal graded music examinations: Researching assessment understandings and practices Pam Burnard Pitsis Tyrone An interdisciplinary study of creativity and the role of possibility thinking Pam Burnard and Bill Nichol Shakeshaft Richard The role and representation of technology in Young Adult fiction Maria Nikolajeva Shih Frances The nature formation and role of multimodal mental representations during tonal-based musical improvisations: An arts-based multiple-case study of expert keyboard improvisers Pam Burnard Skobe-Pilley Marija The voyage of discovery: Exploring organisational employees' experience of an arts-based learning programme: A hermeneutic phenomenological enquiry Pam Burnard and Ros McLellan Sun Olivia Investigating the effect of a national creativity educational programme on students perceived creative self- efficacy performance and behaviours and its implementation in two Taiwanese Schools Pam Burnard and Ros McLellan Tandoi Eve To what extent can literary study inform teaching and learning about hybrid novels in the upper Key Stage 2 classroom with a specific reference to encouraging critical thinking and creativity? Gabrielle Cliff Hodges White Amber The impact of implementing an individualised cross-ability peer-tutoring programme on the self-perceptions and reading abilities of struggling secondary students Fiona Maine Wong Anna Ling Yu Impact of music engagement on students’ psychological well-being Pam Burnard and Ros
Zeng Simin L2 self-repair in the educational context Michael Evans