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Pedagogy Language Arts & Culture in Education

child drawing

PLACE has a wide range of expertise in a diverse yet overlapping set of disciplines within or aligned to education. This includes research and teaching related to modern (and second) language learning; literacy with particular reference to the primary school and early years education; literary studies including children's literature; arts education with a focus on music art drama and creativity; geography history English classics and religious studies in primary and secondary education. Our video shows Christine Doddington talking about our range of activities.

Our Library's new books relating to pedagogy language arts & culture in education

Current Projects

landscape at sunsetInternational Poetry Project

The International Poetry Project is a collaborative intercultural and international project which – amongst other poetical initiatives – considers ways of harnessing the power of ‘Spoken Word’ poetry in the classroom. The project engages with both traditional and contemporary poetic practices in different parts of the world. Beginning with South Africa (ZAPP) the Caribbean (CPP) and the UK and working closely with practicing poets teachers University educators and learners the International Poetry Project’s conceptualisation of poetry goes beyond current curricula and pedagogic practice taking account of current poetry practices both ‘on the page and on the stage’; both in formal education and in society. PLACE colleagues involved are Georgie Horrell Elsa Lee Joel Chalfen and David Whitley.

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steamSTEAM Pedagogies

This project is part of a major initiative launched by the British Educational Research Association with the aim to identify and address issues of current importance to the study and practice of education. This one-year project will look at the innovative potential of introducing the Arts in the teaching of Science Technology and Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects. The project is led by the University of Aberdeen (Dr. Laura Colucci-Gray and Dr. Donald Gray) in collaboration with a core team of colleagues from the University of Cambridge (Prof. Pam Burnard) University of Warwick (Ms. Jo Trowsdale) and University of Aberystwyth (Dr. Richard Davies).

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child playingThe Education of Socially Disadvantaged EAL Students

EALEAD is a two-year study in collaboration with Anglia Ruskin University and is funded by the Bell Foundation. The research team led by Michael Evans and Claudia Schneider (ARU) are examining support for newly arrived migrant children in secondary schools in the region and is tracking linguistic and academic progress of 20 pupils in two case study schools.

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