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Research Projects

Laptop and books. Photo by freddie marriage on Unsplash. Copyright free.

Some indicative examples of current and recently completed research projects of members of the PELS research group are the following:

Measurement of learning gains in higher education across disciplines (2016-2018 Jan Vermunt Anna Vignoles & Sonia Ilie ). Funding Body: Higher Education Funding Council for England.

Multilingualism and cognition: implications for motivation health and well-being (2016-2020 Wendy Bennett Bak Jenny Gibson Napoleon Katsos. Funding body: Arts & Humanities Research Council.

Flourishing despite disadvantage: understanding resilience in children growing up in poverty (2017-2021 Duncan Astle Michelle Ellefson Claire Hughes & Mark Woolrich. Funding Body: The Templeton Foundation.

Evaluation of the Chief Residents’ Leadership and Management Programme in Medicine (2016-2017 Riikka Hofmann Jan Vermunt ). Funding Body: Cambridge University Health Partners.

The Educated Brain: From the Neuroscience to the Practice of Lifelong Learning (2015-2018 Sara Baker Michelle Ellefson Zoe Kourtzi). Funding Body: Economic & Social Research Council UK-Research Seminars Competition.

Wellbeing of Secondary Schools: Large multi-phased study to examine constructs of wellbeing in adolescence (2015-2017 Ros McLellan Liz Winter) Funding Bodies: Newton-Al-Farabi Partnership Programme and coordinated by the JSC Science Fund and the British Council.

Teacher learning and Lesson Study in mathematics higher order teaching and learning (2014-2016 Jan Vermunt Neil Mercer Paul Warwick & Maria Vrikki ). Funding body: London Schools Excellence Fund / London Borough of Camden.

Using genetic and environmental risks to understand variation in social emotional and educational outcomes in individuals with language impairments (2017-2019 Umar Toseeb Jenny Gibson & Diane Newbury). Funding body: ESRC Secondary Data Analysis Initiative.

App-based Language Assessment for use by Parents and Professionals (2016-2017 Napoleon Katsos & Jenny Gibson). Funding body: ESRC Impact Acceleration Award.

Instruction methods for critical thinking (2014-2016 Sara Baker). Funding Body: Macat International.

Assessing individual participation in group tasks (2016-2018 Ayesha Ahmed ). Funding body: AQA Education.

PEDAL projects

Hi-tech Observation of Children’s Playground Social Communication Trajectories (2016-2017 Jenny Gibson Steve Hailes & David Skuse). Funding Body: ESRC Transformative Research Grant.

Understanding Children's Relationships with Peers through Play (2015-2018 Jenny Gibson & Elian Fink ). Funding Body: LEGO Foundation Research Grant.

Is there a role for play in school? (2015-2018 Sara Baker & Audrey Kittredge ). Funding Body: LEGO Foundation Research Grant.

Play learning and narrative skills (2015-2018 Marisol Basilio & David Whitebread ). Funding Body: LEGO Foundation Research Grant.