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Research Development Fund projects

Completed 2006-2010

Exploring the application of the Knowledge Quartet in the secondary mathematics classroom

May 2010-December 2010

Libby JaredTim Rowland

The role of Domain Knowledge on causal reasoning of chemistry content

May 2010-May 2011

Michelle Ellefson Dr David Sobel

Numerical assessment in young infants

March 2010-March 2011

Claudia Uller

Creativity & assessment practices in the arts

April 2009-December 2009

Pam Burnard Zsolt Lavicza Carole Waugh

Research evidence for teaching children identified with special educational needs

May 2009-September 2009

Ruth Kershner

Pilot studies with the near-infrared spectrometer system

October 2009-September 2010

Dénes Szücs

Exploiting the interactive white board to enhance dialogic classroom interaction (summary report)

February 2008-January 2009

Sara Hennessy Paul Warwick with Neil Mercer

University Partnerships with schools and local authorities: a literature review

February 2008-May 2008

Dave Pedder

Reconceptualising Music in the Secondary School (summary report)

February 2008-January 2008

John Finney

Multimodal brain imaging of the human number representation

October 2007-June 2008

Dénes Szücs

Formatting work on manuscript Educating the Child in the British Enlightenment: Beliefs Cultures Practices

September 2007-November 2007

Mary Hilton

Headteachers' views of external support challenge and critical friendship

July 2007-June 2008

Sue Swaffield

Professional development through practitioner-researcher collaboration (summary report )

July 2007-August 2007

Sara Hennessy

Pupil and teacher perceptions of the nature of artist pedagogy and its impact on School Change (summary report)

January 2007-June 2007

Pam Burnard Mandy Swann

Constructing Greater Britain: EB Sargant Education and the idea of Imperial Citizenship in the Early Twentieth Century (summary report)

March 2007-August 2007 (delayed to March 2008-August 2008)

Phil Gardner

Home-school expectations and their impact on children and their learning: an exploratory study

October 2006-March 2008

Nidhi Singal Mandy Swann

Assessment in Secondary Schools: Mentor and Trainee Teacher Perceptions (summary report)

Sue Brindley Linda Fisher John Finney Fran Riga Keith Taber and Mark Winterbottom

Effective teaching of literacy

Mary Hilton and Isobel Urquhart

The effects of residential outdoor adventure courses on Yr5 and Yr6 children

Pam Pointon and Linda Hargreaves

Schooling Security and Belonging: Relations between Asylum-seeking and 'Host' Students (summary report)

Madeleine Arnot Halleli Pinson and Man Candappa

Teaching and Learning Composition (summary report)

John Hopkins summary report

Teaching Thinking and the Development of Metacognitive Abilities in the Early Years (children aged 3-8) (META). (summary report)

David Whitebread

The development of symbolic numeracy

Dénes Szücs

Self-Regulation in Young Children (summary report)

David Whitebread Penny Coltman

Bystanders in Schools: What Do They Do and What Do They Think? Factors Influencing the Behaviour of English Students as Bystanders (summary report)

Colleen McLaughlin Ray Arnold and Eve Boyd

Examining the Role and Nature of Mediation that 'Steps' Pupils into Problem Solving and Considering its Value to an Online Mathematics Enrichment Environment (summary report)

Jenny Piggott

A detailed analysis of modality dependent representation of mathematical skills in the Human Brain (summary report)

Dénes Szücs

Curriculum 2000 and its impact on subject choice post-16 (summary report)

Linda Fisher

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Parliament for People with Learning Difficulties: The Experience of Members of Parliament - Phase I and Phase II (summary report leaflet article web link)

Richard Byers and Isabel Clare

Inclusion and Student Achievement (summary Report)

Lani Florian and Martyn Rouse

Evaluation of the Iliad Project (summary Report)

Bob Lister

Possibility thinking in creativity (summary Report)

Pam Burnard

Teaching the geographies of urban area (summary Report)

Liz Taylor

The Conditions for Belonging: a study of the initial schooling experiences of asylum-seeking youth in the UK (summary report full report)

Madeleine Arnot

An Investigation of the Impact on Classroom Practitioners of the Process and Outcomes of Bidding for Specialist School Status in Mathematics and ICT - an extension project (summary report)

Anne Sinkinson

How pupils deal with incidents of unfairness (summary report full report)

Jean Rudduck and Helen Demetriou

Student Voice and the Architecture of Change: Mapping the Territory (summary report full report)

Julia Flutter and Jean Rudduck

Domestic Literacy in the 18th Century (summary report)

Morag Styles

Teachers' experience of autonomy and accountability in the school community (summary report full report)

Paul Warwick

A literature review of research evidence about how teaching strategies for children with SEN are combined in practice (summary report)

Ruth Kershner

Student understanding of chemical equations (summary report )

Keith Taber

Face to Face Communication on the Self Advocacy Movement (summary report)

Lesley Dee

Changes in Pupils' Calculating Strategies since the Introduction of the National Numeracy Strategy ( summary report )

Julia Anghileri