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Michael Bonnett


Affiliated Lecturer

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  • PhD in Philosophy (University of London)

Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

  • Visiting Research Fellow University of Bath
  • Member Philosophy of Education Society Great Britain
  • Editorial Board Cambridge Journal of Education

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Michael Bonnett has held senior teaching and research positions in the UK universities of Cambridge London and Bath. Formerly he was a Visiting Professor at the University of the Aegean. He has published widely in the field of philosophy of education giving particular attention to the character of ideas of learning thinking personal authenticity and the teacher-pupil relationship in education. His book Children's Thinking: Promoting Understanding in the Primary School (1994 Cassell) explored the importance of poetic thinking for education. More recently his focus has been on aspects of environmental education.

Academic Area/Links

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Research Topics

  • Philosophical aspects of environmental education including: sustainability and education for sustainable development ideas of nature and our relationship with nature
  • The significance of ideas of selfhood and place in education

Current Research Project(s)

  • Currently working on a book on holistic education

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  • Undergraduate
    • Supervision and examining of philosophy of education courses

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Principal and Recent Publications

Bonnett M. (2013) ‘Sustainable development environmental education and the significance of being in place’ The Curriculum Journal Vol 24(2) pp 250-271.

Bonnett M. (2013) ‘Normalizing catastrophe: sustainability and scientism’ Environmental Education Research Vol 19(2) pp 187-197

Bonnett M. (2013) ‘Self environment and education: normative arisings’ International Handbook of Research on Environmental Education M. Brody J. Dillon R. Stevenson (eds) (American Educational Research Association and Routledge).

Bonnett M. (2012) ‘Environmental concern moral education and our place in nature’ Journal of Moral Education Special Issue: Moral Education and Environmental Concern 41(3) pp 285-300.

Bonnett M. (2010) ‘Getting and Spending We Lay Waste Our Powers: environmental education and the culture of the school’ FORUM Vol 52 (1) pp 85-90.

Bonnett M. (2009) ‘Education and Selfhood: A Phenomenological Investigation’ Special Issue Journal of Philosophy of Education: What do Philosophers of Education Do? Vol 43 (3) pp 357-370.

Bonnett M. (2009) ‘Schools as places of unselving: An educational pathology?’ in G. Dall’Alba (ed.) Exploring Education Through Phenomenology. Diverse Approaches (Wiley-Blackwell).

Bonnett M. (2009) ‘Systemic wisdom the ‘selving’ of nature and knowledge transformation: education for the ‘greater whole’’ Special issue of Studies in Philosophy and Education: Environmental Concern and the Transformation of Knowledge Vol 28 pp. 39-49.

Bonnett M. (2009) ‘Education sustainability and the metaphysics of nature’ in M. McKenzie H. Bai P. Hart B. Jickling (eds) Fields of Green: Re-storying Culture Environment and Education. (Cresskill NJ Hampton Press).

Bonnett M. (2007) ‘Environmental education and the issue of nature’ Journal of Curriculum Studies Vol 39 (6) pp. 707-721.

Bonnett M. (2004) Retrieving Nature: Education for a Post-Humanist Age Oxford Blackwell.