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Wai Yi Feng


  • Affiliated Lecturer
  • Director of Studies in Education Peterhouse
  • Official Fellow and Tutor Clare Hall

E-mail Address


+44 (0)1223 761238


  • MMath Mathematics University of Oxford
  • MPhil Education (Educational Research) University of Cambridge
  • PhD Education University of Cambridge

Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

  • Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society (RSS)
  • Associate of the Higher Education Academy (AHEA)
  • Member of the British Educational Research Association (BERA)
  • Member of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM)
  • Member of the British Science Association

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Wai Yi Feng is the first recipient of The Royal Society Ogden Education Research Fellowship created by the Royal Society with funding from the Ogden Trust to celebrate the Royal Society’s 350th Anniversary and to invigorate science and mathematics education in the UK through research that feeds into national education policy and practice. Her current research extends her earlier work (funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)) on understanding enhancement and enrichment (E&E) activities in relation to mathematics education in the UK to investigate enhancement and enrichment activities in STEM (science technology engineering mathematics) education worldwide. Yi is also a Tutor and Official Fellow at Clare Hall. Before joining the Faculty Yi studied Mathematics at St Hilda's College University of Oxford.

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Research Topics

  • Science and mathematics education
  • Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) enrichment

Current and Recent Research Projects

Understanding Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) Enrichment Worldwide and Developing Measures for its Impact: Research funded by The Royal Society through The Royal Society Ogden Education Research Fellowship (October 2009–December 2021).

Interactive Online Education Programme for Young People with Exceptional Mathematical Ability — Tracking Initiative: Research funded by The John Templeton Foundation (January 2010–December 2012). Leading one of four project strands to develop longitudinal research methodologies for tracking students’ engagement with web-based mathematics enrichment and the impact of such engagement on the students’ mathematical interest and learning. With Lynne McClure Libby Jared Steve Hewson and Carol Sparke.

Course Involvement

  • MPhil/MEd in Mathematics Education
  • MEd in Transforming Practice

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Selected Recent Publications and Reports of Commissioned Research

Sutherland W. J. Bellingan L. Bellingham J. R. Blackstock J. J. Bloomfield R. M. Bravo M. Cadman V. M. Cleevely D. D. Clements A. Cohen A. S. Cope D. R. Daemmrich A. A. Devecchi C. Diaz Anadon L. Denegri S. Doubleday R. Dusic N. R. Evans R. J. Feng W. Y. Godfray H. C. J. Harris P. Hartley S. E. Hester A. J. Holmes J. Hughes A. Hulme M. Irwin C. Jennings R. C. Kass G. S. Littlejohns P. Marteau T. M. McKee G. Millstone E. P. Nuttall W. J. Owens S. Parker M. M. Pearson S. Petts J. Ploszek R. Pullin A. S. Reid G. Richards K. S. Robinson J. G. Shaxson L. Sierra L. Smith B. G. Spiegelhalter D. J. Stilgoe J. Stirling A. Tyler C. P. Winickoff D. E. & Zimmern R. L. (2012) A Collaboratively-Derived Science-Policy Research Agenda. PLoS ONE 7(3) e31824. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031824. Available online.

Feng W. Y. (2011) Fast Forward Study Schools: Final Evaluation Report. Evaluation Report for Goldman Sachs Foundation University of Cambridge Admissions Office and NRICH commissioned by the Millennium Mathematics Project (MMP).

Feng W. Y. (2011) Fast Forward Study Schools: Return on Investment Report. Evaluation Report for Goldman Sachs Foundation University of Cambridge Admissions Office and NRICH commissioned by the Millennium Mathematics Project (MMP).

Feng W. Y. (2010) The Development of a Framework for Understanding Mathematics Enrichment in the UK. Paper presented at the Joint Research Symposium on Mathematics Education between the Universities of Cyprus and Cambridge at the University of Cyprus 18–19 September 2010 in Nicosia Cyprus and published in the book of Proceedings (Mathematics Education Research at the University of Cyprus and the University of Cambridge: A Symposium) A. Gagatsis T. Rowland A. Panaoura & A. Stylianides (Eds.) page 33–54. ISBN: 978-9963-9650-2-1.

Feng W. Y. (2010) Students’ Experience of Mathematics Enrichment. Paper presented at the 7th British Congress of Mathematics Education (BCME-7) at the University of Manchester 6–9 April 2010 in Manchester UK and published in a refereed edition of the Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM) M. Joubert & P. Andrews (Eds.) Volume 30 No. 1 page 81–88. Available online.

Feng W. Y. (2008) Level-3 Mathematics. Research Report for the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) commissioned by The Royal Society.

Feng W. Y. (2006) Conceptions of Mathematics Enrichment. Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference at the University of Warwick 6–9 September 2006 in Coventry UK. Available on-line.

Feng W. Y. (2005) Conceptions of Enrichment. Paper presented at the Cambridge Education Research Annual Conference (CamERA) at the University of Cambridge 21 April 2005 in Cambridge UK. Available on-line.