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Jennie Francis


Senior Teaching Associate Music Education

E-mail Address


+ 44 (0)1223 767558


  • BA Joint Hons. Major Music Minor History (University of Leeds)
  • PGCE Music (University of Cambridge)
  • MA Education (University of Cambridge

Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

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Jennie was Head of Music for many of the fourteen years that she taught at an Upper School in Bury St Edmunds. During this time she was a Regional Subject Advisor in 2007 to support the introduction of a new National Curriculum. She was a PGCE mentor before being seconded to work on the Cambridge course before becoming subject lead. Jennie also led the ‘Principles and Practice of Music Education’ course at Anglia Ruskin University for three years. Her MA was focused on the agency of secondary music teachers. She has a particular interest in the pedagogy of composing. Alongside her PGCE work Jennie continues to work in comprehensive schools both as a flute teacher and from time to time teaching classroom music. She also is the Musical Director for Wattisham Military Wives Choir.

Academic Area/Links

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PGCE Music

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Principal and Recent Publications

  • Earl M. & Francis J. (2022) Speak in Fire Language and Listen Always: A Bhaktin Inspired dialogically expressed reflection on embodiment and inclusion in the musicking classroom in Burnard P. Mackinlay E. Rousell D. and Dragovic T. (Eds.) Doing Rebellious Research In and Beyond the Academy. The Netherlands: Brill-i-Sense Publishers
  • Francis J. (2013-14) The composing process - A series of worksheets published in Music Mark Magazine (2013-2014) - Issues 12 3 and 4.
  • Francis J. (2012) Teaching composing with an identity as a teacher-composer British Journal of Music Educators 29 (2)
  • Francis J. (2011) Composing at GCSE – Exploring Pathways National Association Of Music Educators Magazine Issue 35