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Lottie Hoare


Teaching Associate / Affiliated Lecturer

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  • PhD Education University of Cambridge (AHRC Full-funding) April 2018
  • AFHEA 2016 (Cambridge University Teaching Associate Training)
  • PCert Emotional Aspects of Teaching and Learning (Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust 2013)
  • MA History of Education Institute of Education University of London (Now UCL) (Distinction 2011)
  • BA History University of Cambridge (MA Cantab 1995)

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I am a Lecturer in Education & Early Childhood Studies at Middlesex University and Teaching Associate/Affiliated Lecturer at the Faculty of Education University of Cambridge. At Cambridge I am a Core Teaching Team Member on the MEd Transforming Practice. My research interests focus both on contemporary teachers’ experiences of pedagogy when working in complementary home language schools (in collaboration with Yongcan Liu at University of Cambridge) and on the history of broadcasting in education and regional experiences of Arts education in schools in England between 1944 and 1988. I have been a member of the Executive Committee for The Society for Educational Studies from November 2022 onwards and Book Reviews Editor for British Journal of Educational Studies.

I have played around with the possibilities of drawing as a research method but have only occasionally used this research in peer-reviewed publications (See for example: ‘Dons Not Clowns’ (2016) below). Making illustrated notes was useful for my PhD in terms of avoiding breaking copyright rules when stills from certain films and sounds from broadcasts could not be duplicated. Many of my drawings are an aid to listening to others academic presentations and a form of personal note taking which may appear impenetrable to some but offer a historical record of lectures and conferences relating to education and history.
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Journal Articles

Hoare L (2024) From Primary School Teacher to Ethno-psychotherapist:Why Sound and Pedgogy Mattered for Beryl Gilroy (1924–2001) History of Education (Journal of the History of Education Society) (Article published online 14th February 2024)

Hoare L (2021) Books in the post and words on the air: John Scupham Education and The BBC Media History Vol. 27 Issue 1.

Hoare L (2020) Mis-education and the deaf child: Lindsay Anderson and the documentary film Thursday's Children (1954) Deafness and Education International Vol. 22 Issue 1.

Hoare L (2020) 'Roger Noel Armfelt (1897-1955) Watching over the Development and Implementation of Educational Legislation for Secondary Education in Mid-Twentieth Century England' British Journal of Educational Studies Vol. 68 Issue 5.

Hoare L (2019) Muriel Pyrah: sources and myths from a West Riding of Yorkshire school 1967–1972 History of Education Review Vol. 48 2019 Issue 1.

Hoare L (2017) "The school career of the child as a unity" John Newsom's involvement with the BBC 1934–1971 Paedagogica Historica Vol. 53 2017 Issue 4.

Hoare L. (2016). Dons not clowns: Isaiah Berlin challenges Richard Cawston’s edit of the educator. History of Education (Journal of the History of Education Society) Vol. 46 2017 Issue 1. (Published online 2016)

Hoare L. (2012). Margaret Miles: the educational journey of a comprehensive school campaigner. FORUM: for promoting 3-19 comprehensive education Vol. 54 No.1.

Book Chapters and Edited Collections

Hoare L and Liu Y. 'Complementary schools as heritage language communities of practice: Reaching beyond language maintenace' in Elgar Research Handbook on Migration and Education (eds.) Pinson H Devine D and Bunar N (Edward Elgar 2024)

Hoare L. 'Seonaid Robertson (1912–2008): The Transformation of 'chaotic experience' through Arts Education' in British Pioneers in Arts Education: Unfolding Creativity from 1890 to 1950 edited by John Howlett and Amy Palmer (Palgrave Macmillan 2021)

Hoare L. 'Arts education and oracy with Muriel Pyrah in the West Riding of Yorkshire 1967–1972' in Education through the Arts for Wellbeing and Community: the vision and legacy of Sir Alec Clegg edited by Catherine Burke Peter Cunningham and Lottie Hoare (Routledge 2021)

Selected Freelance Writing

Creating a Broadcast Forum for post war UK Secondary Education 2 March 2020

Essay in artist Ruth Ewan’s Yorkshire Sculpture Park booklet Asking Out to accompany her exhibition with Oscar Murillo at Longside Gallery Yorkshire Sculpture Park 13 July to 3 November 2019 (July 2019)

Chapter 24: ‘United Kingdom: Drawing the Eiffel Tower in a London Nursery School’ E-book observation and photograph Education across Europe: a photographic conversation Network 17 2014

Forthcoming Book Chapter

Hoare L. ‘What can we know about the arts education of South Asian diaspora children in Bradford Middle Schools in the 1980s: a Sunil Gupta photograph and the search beyond the archive’ in Writing Heritage Performing Migration (eds.) Zivkovic Y and Vlasta S (Vernon Press)