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Katie Lui


Research Assistant

E-mail Address


+ 44 (0)1223


  • BSc (Hons) Psychology at the University of Bath

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Katie is currently a research assistant for the Healthy Start Happy Start study. Before this Katie obtained a BSc in Psychology at the University of Bath. As part of her placement year she was a research assistant for the Oxford Early Executive Function (OEEF) study at the University of Oxford where she published a paper that explored the associations between infant touchscreen exposure and their inhibitory control and executive functioning skills.

Academic Area/Links

  • PEDAL Centre

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Current Research Project(s)

  • The Healthy Start Happy Start study

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Principal and Recent Publications

Fiske A. de Klerk C. Lui K. Y. K. Collins-Jones L. H. Hendry A. Greenhalgh I. Hall A. Scerif G. Dvergsdal H. & Holmboe K. (2022). The neural correlates of inhibitory control in 10- month-old infants: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Neuroimage 257 119241.

Lui K. Y. K. Hendry A. Fiske A. Dvergsdal H. & Holmboe K. (2021). Associations between touchscreen exposure and hot and cool inhibitory control in 10-month-old infants. Infant Behavior and Development 65 101649.