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Maria Vrikki


Research Associate

E-mail Address


+ 44 (0) 1223 7 67569


  • DPhil (PhD) in Education University of Oxford
  • MSc in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition (Distinction) University of Oxford
  • BA in English and Linguistics Queen Mary University of London

Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

  • European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
  • The World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS)
  • British Education Research Association (BERA)

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Maria is working as a Research Associate in the faculty. Her main research interests are in the area of educational dialogue both within the classroom context (including technology-mediated dialogue) and beyond. Specifically Maria is interested in the role of professional dialogues in teacher collaborative learning.

Maria is currently working on the Digitalised Dialogues Across the Curriculum (DiDiAC) project investigating the potential of digital technology in enhancing existing forms of classroom dialogue. Her role in the faculty also involves supporting the work of the Cambridge Educational Dialogue Research (CEDiR) group which aims to develop the potential of dialogue and its impact on theory policy and practice. Prior to her current role Maria worked as a Research Associate on two large-scale projects: 1) the ESRC Classroom Dialogue project which was one of the first to examine the relationship between patterns of classroom dialogue and student learning reasoning and attitudes (2015-2017); and 2) the Teacher Learning and Lesson Study Project (2014-2016) which examined the role of teacher Lesson Study dialogues in teacher learning (funded by the London Schools Excellence Fund).

Academic Area/Links

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Research Topics

  • Classroom dialogue
  • Teacher learning and professional development
  • Lesson Study

Research Project

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Maria has taught courses on 'Language Acquisition' and 'Teacher Professional Development for Language teachers' in the past.

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Principal and Recent Publications

Vrikki M. Warwick P. Vermunt J.D. Mercer N. & Van Halem N. (2017). Teacher learning in the context of Lesson Study: A video-based analysis of teacher discussions. Teaching and Teacher Education.

Vermunt J.D. Vrikki M. Warwick P. & Mercer N. (2017). Connecting teacher identity formation to patterns in teacher learning. In S.J. Clandinin & J. Husu (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Research on Teacher Education Chapter 8. SAGE Publications: London.

Warwick P. Vrikki M. Vermunt J.D. Mercer N. & Van Halem N. (2016). Connecting observations of student and teacher learning: An examination of dialogic processes in Lesson Study discussions in mathematics. ZDM Mathematics Education.

Vrikki M. (2012). Learner codeswitching: Can it be used as a tool for L2 fluency development? In A.N. Archibald (Ed.) Multilingual Theory and Practice in Applied Linguistics: Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics 255-258.

Recent Conference Presentations

Vrikki Vermunt Warwick Mercer & Van Halem (2015). Understanding the nature of teacher learning in the Lesson Study context. Presented at the WALS Conference Khon Kaen Thailand.

Vermunt Vrikki Warwick Mercer & Van Halem (2015). How teachers learn in Lesson Study: Results of Cambridge research into teachers learning through talk. Presented at Pan-London Lesson Study Conference.

Vrikki (2015). How do secondary school teachers conceptualize Dialogic Teaching? Presented at IAIMTE Conference Odense Denmark.

Vrikki (2014). Exploring the impact of dialogic strategies employed in a Religious Education classroom: A case study. Presented at BERA Conference London.