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Rupert Wegerif


Professor of Education (2000)

E-mail Address


+ 44 (0)1223 767515


  • BA (Hons) Philosophy and Soc Anth University of Kent at Canterbury
  • PGCE RE and English Bristol University
  • MSc (IT) University of London
  • PhD in Psychology and Educational Technology Open University

Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

  • Governing Body Fellow of Hughes Hall Cambridge
  • European Association of Research in Learning and Instruction
  • International Society of the Learning Sciences

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I focus on the role of dialogue and technology in learning. I am working on a dialogic theory of education appropriate for the Internet Age. To that end I tend to do design-based research on educational dialogue mediated by technology. Website.

Academic Area/Links

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Potential doctoral students

I am interested in the combination of technology and dialogic education.

Research Topics

  • Digital Education Futures
  • Dialogic theory of education
  • Dialogic approaches to teaching and learning with ICT
  • Applying a dialogic model of reason in education
  • Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
  • Educational design for collective intelligence

Recent Research Project(s)

  • 2019-21 The Virtual Internships Project (VIP). (Industry Partners: Wegerif Major & Twiner). Developing and testing a new model of ‘Virtual Internships’ that features young people working in teams role-playing being interns in real enterprises developing and designing products that respond to real-world challenges. Through participating in these virtual scenarios it is intended that learners will develop key ‘complex competencies’ in particular relating to dialogue and creativity.
  • Link =
  • 2015-16 Evaluation study of the TBFF Face to Faith Programme. Now ‘Generation Global’. Funded by Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.
  • 2015-16 Novel Training through Virtual Reality. (Project led by Invirt Reality working with Flybe to explore the use of immersive virtual reality in training airline cabin crew). Funded by NATEP: National Aerospace Technology Programme.
  • 2015-16 ICURe Innovation-to-Commercialisation programme piloted by the SETsquared Partnership and funded by InnovateUK and HEFCE. ‘Argue to Think’ Project. Research impact from PhD of Dani Hilliard.
  • 2013-15 Creatividad y aprendizaje colaborativo mediante herramientas web 2.0: estudio longitudinal sobre los procesos psicologicos implicados en su enseñanza-aprendizaje en secundaria. Referencia: edu2012-32415. Organismo: universidad de lleida. Led by Manoli Pifarre Turmo (PI) Funded by the Ministerio de economia y competitividad. Gobierno de españa
  • 2012-13 European Advanced Symposium on Theory in Education (Principal Investigator joint with Gert Biesta of Stirling) €6000. EARLI (The European Association on Research in Learning in Instruction).
  • 2012-14 STATSTALK (Principal Investigator) EC Marie Curie project bringing Dr Sibel Kazak to Exeter to work on talk and conceptual development in the context of teaching statistics.
  • 2010-13 Metafora. (Principal Investigator for Exeter and Pedagogical Director) €2000000 project to develop tools for collaborative learning online in science and mathematics. Led by Hebrew University of Jerusalem with London Knowledge Lab as other UK partner EC Framework 7 ICT. (
  • 2009-12 Science Education for Diversity. (Principal Investigator) €997000 for an International Project developing new approaches to science education for diversity with partners in 6 countries: UK Netherlands Turkey Lebanon India and Malaysia. EC Framework 7 Science in Society. (

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I am teaching on a range of courses especially in the area of dialogic education Educational Psychology and research methodology.

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Principal and Recent Publications

​Wegerif R (2020) Researching online dialogues: Introducing the ‘Chiasm’ methodology. Chapter 8 in:
Kershner R. Hennessy S. Wegerif R. & Ahmed A. (Eds). Research Methods for Educational Dialogue. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Wegerif R. (2019). Towards a dialogic theory of education for the Internet Age. The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education 14.

Wegerif R. (2019). Dialogic education. In Oxford research encyclopedia of education.

Wegerif R. (2018). New Technology and the Apparent Failure of Democracy: An Educational Response. On Education.

Wegerif R. (2018) A dialogic theory of teaching thinking. In Kerslake L and Wegerif R (eds) The Theory of Teaching Thinking. Routledge.

Wegerif R. Doney J. Andrews R. Larkin S. Mansour N. and Jamison I (2017) Exploring the ontological dimension of dialogic education through an evaluation of the impact of Internet mediated dialogue across cultural difference. Learning Culture and Social Interaction.

Phillipson N. and Wegerif R. (2017) Dialogic Education: Mastering Core Concepts through Thinking Together. London: Routledge.

Wegerif R. Fujita T. Doney J. Linares J. P. Richards A. & Van Rhyn C. (2017). Developing and trialing a measure of group thinking. Learning and Instruction 48 40-50.Wegerif R Li L. and Kaufman J.C. (2015) The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Teaching Thinking Routledge.

Kazak S. Wegerif R. & Fujita T. (2015). The importance of dialogic processes to conceptual development in mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics 90(2) 105-120.

Wegerif R. (2013) Dialogic: Education for the Internet Age. London: Routledge

Wegerif R. (2011) Towards a dialogic theory of how children learn to think. Thinking Skills and Creativity. 6 (3) 179-195

Wegerif R.(2010) Mind-Expanding: Teaching for Thinking and Creativity. Buckingham UK: Open University Press/mcgraw Hill

Wegerif R. (2007) Dialogic Education and Technology: Expanding the Space of Learning. New York: Springer-Verlag.