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Education Equality & Development

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Education Equality and Development is an interdisciplinary cluster of scholars in the Faculty of Education who are committed to global justice through educational research. Our aim is to bridge the resources offered by preeminent world-class researchers internationally with a learning and research environment designed to enrich strengthen and broaden global understandings of justice democracy inclusion human rights and citizenship in educational contexts. Researchers committed to debate about these concepts as they concern civil societies seek to support individuals and collectives to come together to shape the worlds in which they live through political engagement with education and social action. These commitments also mean that as researchers we may occupy research and community spaces distant from and sometimes in opposition to the activities of the state or governmental authorities. We are therefore actively involved in public debate about education for more globally just societies seek to challenge educational and social inequalities and support diverse communities around the world in associated efforts. We are also committed to widening the scope for educational debate and more inclusive social participation in decision-making to enhance egalitarian educational practices and processes. Our research activities cohere around the need to pursue intellectual and associated research projects which assess those elements of social life that enable global justice to flourish in particular educational contexts and to identify and redress barriers to it.

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Fields of Study & Research Topics

We are both discipline focused and interdisciplinary in our teaching and research. The range of fields we engage with are history of education sociology politics cultural studies and the political economy and philosophy of education. We also have a particularly strong focus on development citizenship and post-colonial studies and approaches as well as overlapping interests across the group on childhood and youth studies. Particular research areas include but are not limited to the following: education for inclusion and citizenship; gender race and poverty; critical race and post-colonial studies of development; disability and inclusion in international contexts; widening participation in education for marginalized children youth and adults; youth cultures and cities; urban and rural education; peace and conflict studies in education; human rights and international education; securitization surveillance and youth studies; migration and refugee studies in education; pedagogy and empowerment; the politics of professional identities in education; histories of empire and educational encounters; and cultural and social histories of teaching and learning.

We seek to attract high quality MPHIL Ph. D and Ed. D students prepared to engage with a wide range of theoretical orientations from the social sciences humanities and the arts to inform their research. We also strongly support students in the learning of social cultural and political theories which support student and academic research areas through theory workshops teaching seminar series visiting scholars’ intellectual contributions special interest groups reading groups centres and supervisory contexts.

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Cross Faculty Affiliations and Sub-Groups

We are affiliated with a number of sub groups in the faculty (e.g. Peace Studies SIG Youtuf REAL) and the new 2016 MPHIL Route in Education Globalization and International Development. We support the university’s wider mission to encourage collaborations across university and are affiliated and collaborating with colleagues in for example Criminology Psychology Development Studies Geography POLIS CRAASH Gender Studies History and Law. We also support teaching and supervision in the UG Tripos in the areas of History Sociology Philosophy and Modernity and Globalization. We will also host an 8 session Theory Workshop for graduate students that will run from October 2015 until April 2016.


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