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Psychology & Education

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The Psychology and Education Group brings a range of perspectives from psychology and socio-cultural theory to key issues in Education. Our research topics include development in language literacy numeracy and science; cognition; play and creativity; classroom communication and learning; emotions and social relationships; and teachers' professional learning. The group has attracted external research funding from many sources including: ESRC MRC EU Framework VI Nuffield Foundation Esmee Fairbairn Trust British Academy/Leverhulme Lego Foundation and the Healthcare Trust.

We are a lively and diverse academic and cultural community with a wide network of contacts within the University and beyond. International students come from across the globe. We invite prospective students or researchers to explore our research activity and discover how our research interests may match your own.

If you are considering applying to do doctoral research on a topic relevant to the P&E Academic Group check the list of academic staff members to see if they are currently available to supervise (which is indicated by a blue star by their name on the staff page). Then look at individual staff pages to see what topics are within their research interests. Preference is usually given to candidates whose proposed research topic matches the interests and current research activities of P&E members. It is also important to note that while you might make an informal enquiry to a potential supervisor individual members of staff cannot accept PhD or EdD applicants; that is done by the group as a whole on consideration of each formal application.