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2015 Lesson Study Seminar GS4 Wednesday 24th July 2015

Programme: Chair: Jan Vermunt

On Wednesday 24th July the Faculty will be hosting a Lesson Study Seminar involving several speakers from UK and abroad.

2:00-2:45 Lesson Study for Inclusive Teaching.

Sui Lin Goei (VU University Amsterdam & Windesheim University of Applied Sciences).
Lesson Study and Differentiated Instruction.

Tirza Bosma (VU University Amsterdam)
Lesson Study and Student Voices.

Madeleine Vreeburg (VU University Amsterdam).
Teacher experiences and efficacy with regards to working with Lesson Study.

Tijmen Schipper (Windesheim University of Applied Sciences).
The implementation of Lesson Study in primary education in the Netherlands. Jarise Kaskens (Windesheim University of Applied Sciences).

2:45-3:00 Patterns of teacher change within the context of Lesson Study
Felix van Vugt & Rosanne Zwart (Utrecht University)

3:00-3:30 Coffee Break

3:30-4:00 Using and adapting lesson study to context and technology: the
experience of the iDiLSS (interactive digital lesson study system)

Steve Watson & Phil Kirkman (University of Cambridge)

4:00-4:30 How do teachers learn through Lesson Study?
Paul Warwick Maria Vrikki Jan Vermunt & Neil Mercer (University of Cambridge)

4:30-5:00 Group Discussion