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Some of our publications

Our aim here is to engage with you as prospective research students and researching professionals prior to submission of your proposal and/or enquiries directed to potential supervisors as well as the A&C Convenor: Professor Pam Burnard at

Bayley A. (2018) Posthuman Pedagogies in Practice – Arts-based Approaches for Developing Participatory Futures. London: Palgrave MacMillan.

Bayley A. (2018) Posthumanism Decoloniality and Re-Imagining Pedagogy. A. Bayley and C. Taylor (Eds.) Parallax. Vol 14(3).

Bayley A. (2016) How did we become human in the first place? Entanglements of posthumanism and critical pedagogy for the twenty-first century. Transforming Higher Education Performance Research 21(6) 44-49.

Burnard P. et al (2020) Reconfiguring STEAM through material enactments of mathematics and arts: A diffractive reading of young people’s transdisciplinary mathArtWorks. In P. Burnard and L. Colucci-Gray (Eds) Why Science and Arts Creativities Matter: (Re-)Configuring STEAM for Future-Making Education Series: Critical Issues in the Future of Learning and Teaching Volume: 18

Burnard P. Dragovic T. Heaton R. and Rogers B. (2019) Why Policy Matters Particularly in Professional Doctorates. Methodologies for Practice Research Sense.

Burnard P. Pallawi S. et al. (2020) Organizing Children and Youth Mathematical Art Exhibits and Interpreting MathArt-works through a Collaborative Transdisciplinary Practice. C. Yackel R. Bosch E. Torrence and K. Fenyvesi (2020) Proceedings of The Bridges Conference: Mathematics Art Music Architecture Education Culture. Aalto University Finland 2020 Phoenix Arizona: Tesselations Publishing.

Burke C. (2018) Feet footwork footwear and “being alive” in the modern school. Paedagogica Historica International Journal of the History of Education
Issue 1-2: Special Issue: Education and the Body 54(1-2)

Burnard P. Gill S. et al. (2020) The salience of silence in musical performance creativity: An exploratory study of practice and perception. Musicae Scientiae (the Journal of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music) in press.

Burke C.(2020) An exploration of liminal pockets of contestation and delight in school spaces Paedagogica Historica.

Burke C. and Hill D. 'The Dispersed School' in Helen Taylor and Sharon Wright (eds) (2020) Urban Schools. Designing for High Density. London: RIBA publishing.

Burke C. “What education do we need?’ in Jaroslav Andel (ed) (2019) Back to the sandbox. Art and radical pedagogy. The Western Gallery Bellingham USA.

Burke C. (2019) Designing for “touch” “reach” and “movement” in postwar (1946–1972) English primary and infant school environments The Senses and Society 14:2 207-220

Burke C. ‘Nature Tables and Pocket Museums: from the Leicestershire classroom to the Mountain View Center for Environmental Education Colorado’. Pedagogia Oggi Special Issue Spaces and Places vol 17 no 1. June 2019.

Burke C. (2018) Humanism modernism and designing education. Journal of the History of Education Society 47 (2).

Burke C 'Poetry materialities and montage: towards new histories of 20th century school architecture' in Kelly J. and Hegarty S. (eds) (2017) Schools and Schooling. 1650-2000. New perspectives on the history of education - the eighth Seamus Heaney lectures.

Burke C. and Konings K. (2016) Recovering lost histories of educational design: A case study in contemporary participatory strategies. Oxford Review of Education 42.

Burke C. (2016) ‘Quiet Stories of Educational Design’ in Darian-Smith K. and Willis J (eds) Designing Schools: Space Place and Pedagogy. London. Routledge.

Barfield J. Burke C. and Peacock A. 'Creating a space for irresistible learning' in Biddulph J. and Gronn P. (2016) A University's Challenge. Cambridge's primary school for the nation. Cambridge University Press.

Burke C. (2015) ‘Hidden Internationalisms: Tradition and Modernism in Post-war Primary School Design 1948-1972’ in Breward C. Fisher F. and Wood G. (eds) British Design. Tradition and Modernity after 1948. London. Bloomsbury Academic.

Burke C. and Grosvenor I (2015) The School I’d Like Revisited. London Routledge (revised second edition of 2003 volume).

Burke C. Grosvenor I. and Norlin B. (eds.) (2015) Engaging with Educational Spaces Umea: University of Umea e-book.

de Bruin L. Burnard P. and Davies S. (Eds) (2018) Creativities in Arts Education Research and Practice: International Perspectives for the Future of Learning and Teaching. The Netherlands: SensePublishers.

Burnard P. Cook P. Jasilek S. and Bauer-Nilsen B. (2018) Performing arts activism: Conceptualising an intercultural choreographic practice and dance performance called ‘Melting Ice’. Choreographic Practices: Special Issue Performing Ecologies in a World in Crisis 9(1).

Burnard P. (2016) Musical Creativities in Practice. Translated into Chinese. Shanghai China: Shanghai Music Press.

Burnard P. Mackinlay E. and Powell K. (2016) (Eds) The Routledge International Handbook of Intercultural Arts Research. London: Routledge.

Denmead T. (2019). Creative Underclass: Youth Race and the Gentrifying City. Durham North Carolina: Duke University Press.

Denmead T.White Warnings.” Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education Whiteness and Art Education 36 no. 1 (2019) 108-124.

Denmead T.Tier Two Worker Remote Office: Resisting the Marketization of Higher Education.” Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy 16 no. 1 (2019): 6–34.

Denmead T.On the Concept of Youth in Art Education: A Review of the Literature.” Studies in Art Education 59 no. 1 (2018): 55–67.

Denmead T. (2018) Creative Underclass: Youth Labor and the 21st Century City: Durham North Carolina: Duke University Press.

Denmead T. (2018) The aesthetic labor of creativity. Educational Theory. (forthcoming)

Denmead T (2018). On the Concept of Youth in Art Education: A Review of the Literature. Studies in Art Education 59 (1) 55-67.

Denmead T (2015). For the lust of not knowing: Lessons from artists for educational ethnography In. L. Bresler (ed). Lessons from the Arts for Research . Dordrecht Netherlands: Springer.

Denmead T and Brown R. N. (2014). Ride or Die: An Instructional Resource.< Art Education 67(6) 47-53 .

Denmead T. (2013) Artists against despotic nations? The muddle of creative workforce policy. International Journal of Education Through Art Special Issue: Creative Industries. 13(9) 1-18.

Grzegorczyk B. & F. Mendlesohn. Eds. Children’s Engagement with the Political Process. Special issue of International Research in Children’s Literature (Edinburgh University Press forthcoming in February 2021)

Grzegorczyk B. (2020). Terror and Counter-Terror in Contemporary British Children’s Literature. New York and London: Routledge.

Grzegorczyk B. (2020). ‘Girls Boys Bombs Toys: Terror and Play in Contemporary Children’s Fiction.’ In Encounters of the Playful Kind: Children’s Literature and Intergenerational Relationships eds. Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak and Barbara Kalla. New York and London: Routledge.

Hickman R. (2020). Evolutionary psychology and the visual arts. In T.K. Shackelford (Ed). SAGE Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. London: SAGE.

Hickman R. (2020). The purposes of arts education. In The Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Education. New York: Oxford University Press.

Hickman R. (2019) Editor in Chief. The International Encyclopedia of Art and Design Education. Boston: Wiley Blackwell.

Hickman R. (2018 4th edition). An Art Miscellany for the Weary & Perplex'd. Corsham: NSEAD/Barking publications [ISBN: 978-0-904684-34-6]

Sinha. P. and Hickman R. (2018). The Sabar ways of knowing: Sustainable ideas towards educational ecology. International Journal of Art & design Education 37(1) 113-124.

Hickman R. and Sinha P. (2017). Adivasi aesthetic knowing: A duographic account. Visual Inquiry 5(3) 317-328.

Hickman R. (2011). The Art & Craft of Pedagogy: Portraits of Effective Teachers. London: Continuum. [ISBN: 9781847062901]

Hickman R. (2010 2nd ed.). Why We Make Art - and why it is taught. Bristol: Intellect. [ISBN: 1841503789]

Millett T. (2019) ‘Queering the art classroom: queering matters’ The International Journal of Art & Design Education 38(4): pp.809-822.

Millett T (2019) ‘Queering the art classroom’ AD Magazine Issue 26.

Burton. B Lepp. M Morrison M & O'Toole. J (2019) Acting against Bullying and conflict: The Evolution of an international evidence based program that dramatically reduces bullying and conflict. (Springer)

Lepp.M Morrison M & Nolbris. M (2020) Visual Arts based methods within Health Care and Health Care Education: A systematic Literature review. Nursing Today. Esevier.

Morrison M. (2013) Hearts and Minds - Teacher development through Embodied Learning. International Drama in Education (IDEA) Conference Paris.

Morrison.M Lepp.M ( 2012) Bringing the personal to the professional: Pre-service teaching students explore conflict through an applied drama approach. Applied Theatre Research 14(1) 63-76.

Burton. B Lepp. M Morrison M & O'Toole. J (2009) Acting to Manage Conflict and Bullying Through Evidence-Based Strategies. The Netherlands: Springer.

Lepp.M Morrison M & Nolbris. M (forthcoming) Visual Arts based methods within Health Care and Health Care Education: A systematic Literature review . Nursing Today. Esevier.

Finney J. Hickman R. Nicholl B. Morrison M. & Rudduck J (2005) Rebuilding Engagement through the Arts. Cambridge: Pearson.

de Vries M Fletcher S. Kruse S. Labudde P. Lang M. Mammes I. Max C. Munk D. Nicholl B. Strobel J. and Winterbottom M. (Eds.) (2018) Research in Technology Education: International Approaches.

Nicholl B. (2017). Empathy as an aspect of critical thought and action in design and technology education. In J. Williams & K. Stables (Eds.) Critique in Design and Technology Education (pp. 157-171).

Nicholl B. & Spendlove D. (2016). Academic tasks in design technology education; past present and future. In M. de Vries S. Fletcher S. Kruse P. Labudde M. Lang I. Mammes C. Max D. Munk B. Nicholl J. Strobel and M. Winterbottom (Eds.) Technology Education Today (pp. 125-146).

Nicholl B. Flutter J.A.E. Hosking I.M. and Clarkson P.J (forthcoming). Transforming practice in Design and Technology: evidence from a classroom-based research study of students’ responses to an intervention on inclusive design. The Curriculum Journal Routledge.

Nicholl B. Hosking I. Elton E. Lee Y. Bell J. & Clarkson P. (2012) Inclusive design in the Key Stage 3 classroom: an investigation of teachers’ understanding and implementation of user-centred design principles in design and technologyInternational Journal of Technology and Design Education. Springer Netherlands.Doi: 10.1007/s10798-012-9221-9

McLellan R. & Nicholl B. (2011). 'If I was going to design a chair the last thing I would look at is a chair'. Product analysis and the causes of fixation in students' design work 11-16 years. International Journal of Technology and Design Education21(1) 71-92.

Nicholl B. (2009) The epistemological differences between a teacher and researcher: A Personal Journey illustrating second order action research Design and Technology: An International Journal 14(3) 21-36

Staff and Doctoral Students' collaborations

Workshops on and performances of arts-based research methodologies and methods feature as part of the Faculty’s annual Kaleidoscope Conference and capacity building around getting published is a feature of many of our staff-student collaborations and publications (some examples identified below with previous ACE and latterly PhD doctoral and postdoctoral students names are italicized):

Burnard P. Dragovic T. Jasilek S. Fenyvesi K. Rolls L. Durning A. and Biddulph James. (2017) 'The art of creating possibility spaces for fostering STEAM practices in primary education'. In X. Du and T. Chemi (Eds) Innovation and Change in Education Cross-cultural Perspectives Special Issue: Arts-based Methods in Education Across the World. River Publishers.

Despres Jean-Paul. Burnard P. Dube F. & S. Stevance (2017) Expert western classical music improviser's strategies. Journal of Research in Music Education 65(2) July.

Heaton Rebecca. Burnard P. and Nikolova Afrodita. (in review) Exploring the affective space of artographic pedagogic practice in professional doctorate education.

Kuo Hsu-Chan Burnard P. McLellan et al. (2017) The development of indicators for creativity education and aquestionnaire to evaluate its delivery and practice. Thinking Skills and Creativity 24 186-198.

Burnard P. Holliday C. Jasilek S. and Nikolova Afrodita. (2017) 'Artists and arts-based method use in higher education: A living inquiry of an academic programme in a school of education'. In T. Chemi and X. Du (Eds) Arts-based Methods and Organizational Learning: Higher Education Around The World. Series Title - Palgrave Studies in Business Arts and Humanities. Palgrave Macmillan.

Sinha. Pallawi. and Hickman R. (2018). The Sabar ways of knowing: Sustainable ideas towards educational ecology. International Journal of Art & design Education 37(1) 113-124.

Hickman R. and Sinha Pallawi. (2017). Adivasi aesthetic knowing: A duographic account. Visual Inquiry 5(3) 317-328.

Stahl G. Burnard P. & Burt-Perkins R. (2017) Critical reflections on the use of Bourdieu's tools 'In Concert' to understand the practices of learning in three musical sites. Sociological Research Online 18(4) DOI/pdf/10.1177/1360780417724073

Burnard P. Dragovic T. Ottewell Karen. and Lim Wai Mun. (2018) Voicing the professional doctorate and the researching professional’s identity: Theorising EdD's uniqueness. The London Review of Education Special Feature on Professional Doctorates 16(1). DOI:

EdD students Simon Dowling Rebecca Kitchen James Edward Knowles Gavin Turner Denise Whalley Karen Ottewell Wai Mun Lim and EdD lecturers Julia Flutter Riikka Hofmann Tatjana Dragovic and Pam Burnard all of whom were contributing authors featured in:

Burnard P. Dragovic T. Flutter J. and Alderton J. (2016) (Eds). Transformative Doctoral Research Practices for Professionals. Amsterdam: SensePublishers.

See more doctoral student publications featured in eBook: Burnard P. Ross V. Dragovic T. Powell K. Minors H. Mackinlay E. (Eds) (2017) 'Building Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Bridges: Where Practice Meets Research and Theory'. eBook: BIBACC Publishing ISBN 978-0-9957727-0-0