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Research Strands

CEDiR has four inter-connected Research Strands each led by core members of the group

man lecturingDialogue Professional Change and Leadership

This strand focuses on professional learning and change in and through dialogue in organisational settings: schools hospitals and beyond addressing current challenges in the UK and globally relating to policy practice theory and methodology.

Strand Leaders: Riikka Hofmann and Sue Swaffield.

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studentsTechCEDiR or CAMTED

The TechCEDiR strand also known as CamTED (Cambridge Technology and Educational Dialogue) targets the investigation of technology's role in communication dialogue and the construction and dissemination of human knowledge. The research within this strand adopts multiple approaches including but not limited to design-based research methodologies and multimodal dialogue analysis.

Strand Leaders: Rupert Wegerif Steve Watson and Sara Hennessy (with others including Alison Twiner).

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studentsClassroom Dialogue

Theorists have been interested in the forms of classroom dialogue that are productive for student learning for several decades. Although a plethora of terminologies and methodological approaches abound this strand seeks to identify common ground and to enhance practices that are productive for learning.

Strand Leader: Sara Hennessy.

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Young women sit talking looking at something on a smart phoneCultural religious and philosophical traditions in educational dialogue

This strand focuses on the interaction of dialogue for educational purposes and religious cultural and philosophical traditions in educational theory institutions and practices. Within this broad remit it has two focal threads: intra-tradition and inter-tradition.

Strand Leader: Farah Ahmed

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