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Children's personal epistemologies


ChiPE is a research project funded by the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme under the Marie Curie Actions to promote excellent science.

This project is exploring children’s families’ and teachers’ beliefs about knowledge and learning in the school context in order to promote effective learning and teaching. It aims to enhance a more inclusive epistemic climate that brings closer knowledge from children’s out-of-school experience to classroom knowledge. This project is intended to capitalise on children’s and families’ funds of knowledge to promote better learning environments for all children and ultimately increase educational success.

Final Conference

After two years at the Faculty of Education and working with local schools the ChiPE project comes to an end on March 31st. The Final Conference: The power of children’s knowledge: transformative effects in primary classrooms will take place on Friday March 6th at the Chancellor’s Centre Wolfson College University of Cambridge from 12.45 for lunch to 16.30.

The programme includes results of the project with contributions from children teachers and parents who took part. We are delighted that the Keynote address will be given by Professor Ramon Flecha author of the Cambridge Journal of Education Best Paper Prize 2013 who was Director of the INCLUD-ED project the only social sciences research in the EU top ten research projects.

More information at:

Registration at:

More information about how to get the Chancellor’s Centre Wolfson College Barton Road Cambridge CB3 9BB

Project Information

Principal Investigators
Dr. Rocío García Carrión: Marie Curie Fellow
Dr. Linda Hargreaves: Scientist in charge

People Programme Marie Curie Actions of the European Union's 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) from April 2013-March 2015.

The Seventh Framework Programme and European Council logo.