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A project funded by Cambridgeshire Care and Education Partnership

The C.IND.LE (Cambridgeshire Independent Learning) Project was a 2 year project exploring the development of independent or self-regulated learning amongst 3-5 year old children. The practitioners in 32 Cambridgeshire Foundation Stage settings worked with researchers from Cambridge University Faculty of Education to document and analyse children's self-regulatory capabilities.

The research has established that young children in this age group given the opportunity are capable of taking far more responsibility for their own learning than was previously thought. Even at this young age they are beginning to be aware of their own learning to be able to organise their approach to learning activities and to see themselves positively as learners. The development of these self-regulatory and metacognitive abilities has been shown to be a key indicator of a child's likelihood of becoming a successful learner. This research has shown that important developments in these abilities are occurring in the 3-5 age range and that Foundation Stage practitioners through high quality pedagogical practices can make a highly significant contribution in this area.

The project's findings have been disseminated through conference papers and publications. Evidence from the project presented in the form of video clips photos and practitioners' testimonies have been organised along with assessment tools and ideas for pedagogical innovations into a two CD training resourcewhich has been implemented in Cambridgeshire Foundation Stage settings with very positive outcomes.