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Seminar 2

Restorative Approaches Seminar2 Faculty of Education

Seminar Two: International perspectives on RA

Cambridge Mon 21st June 2010

Drawing on the theoretical perspectives gained in seminar one the focus of this seminar will be to explore the ways in which RA is conceptualised and practised in different cultures and parts of the world. In particular this seminar will draw on insights from indigenous communities (mainly in Australia and New Zealand) and on truth and reconciliation work in South Africa and also Northern Ireland. The development of RA in New Zealand and Australia owes a debt to the indigenous peoples of these countries and their community-based approaches to conflict resolution. These approaches often call for immediate and/or extended family and the local community to be involved in a non-punitive discussion about the wrong done in a ‘circle’ or ‘conference’ with the offender.

Restorative Approaches Seminar

Restorative Approaches Seminar

This has particular significance in the context of work with indigenous communities who have been discriminated against and over-represented within the criminal justice system in the past. This seminar will offer the opportunity to discuss the parallels within school and the over-representation of certain groups in for example exclusion statistics. The core questions that will be addressed in this seminar are:

  • How do cultural and environmental factors impact on understanding and development of RA in schools and communities?
  • How can established practice and divergent views on the use and limitations of RA in other parts of the world inform researchers and those involved in developing policy and practice for RA in the UK?

Please note that the presentations will be 15-20 minutes followed by 30-40 minutes of discussion

10.30 Arrival and coffee 11.00 Introduction 11.30 Presentation from Dan Van Ness: RJOnline USA
Title: Restorative Justice as World View


Dr Wendy Drewery School of Education Waikato University New Zealand
Title: Restorative Practices in New Zealand Schools: A Developmental Approach 1.30 Lunch


Dr Lucio Sia UNESCO Paris
Title: Restorative Justice: An International Perspective (available as power point) 3.00 Dr Mirriam Lephalala Department of English Studies University of South Africa (UNISA)
Title: Between past and present: Conflict in Schools an Ubuntu perspective 3.45 Dr Derek Wilson Ulster University Northern Ireland
Title: Promoting Previously Unthinkable Ways: The Restorative Task in Northern Ireland 4.30 Plenary 5.00 Close
International Speakers
Organisation / Institution Discipline / Role Dr Wendy Drewery Waikato University New Zealand Faculty of Education Human development and counselling Dr Lucio Sia UNESCO Paris International Education Dan Van Ness RJOnlinePrison Fellowship International USA Criminology Dr Mirriam Lephalala University of South Africa (UNISA) Dpt of English Studies English
National Speakers
Organisation / Institution Discipline / Role Dr Derek Wilson Ulster University Education