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TEACH-IN Methodology

TEACH-IN will use the Communicative Methodology (CM) framework which stresses the egalitarian dialogue between researchers end-users and other stakeholders involved in realities being studied. This methodology has demonstrated to achieve political social and scientific impact. Two special issues dedicated to CM have been published in 2011 and 2014 in the journal Qualitative Inquiry and this methodological framework has the recognition of the European Commission to have a significant social and political impact on the European educational and social systems. Researchers bring into the dialogue the existing scientific knowledge in the field which is contrasted with the social actors’ daily life knowledge. It moves beyond traditional theoretical dualisms in social sciences such as structure/individual subject/object and relativism/universalism. Results obtained from this process are socially useful and oriented to benefit end-user addressing their needs and expectations.


Gómez A.; Puigvert L. & Flecha R. (2011) Critical Communicative Methodology: Informing real social transformation through research Qualitative Inquiry 17 (3) 235-245. doi: 10.1177/1077800410397802

Puigvert L. (coord.) (2014) Preventive socialization of Gender Violence. Moving forward using the Communicative Methodology of Research. Qualitative Inquiry 20 (7) 839-843. doi: 10.1177/1077800414537221