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TEACH-IN Outcomes

The outcomes of TEACH-IN will be available in this section.

Conference papers sessions and seminars

Teacher Leadership for School and Community Transformation. Session organised at the AERA 2015 (Chicago 16-20 April) in the SIG Leadership for Social Justice.

Researching teacher leadership and its impact on school improvement. Paper presented at the ECER 2014 conference (Porto 2-5 September) in the Simposium “Changing teacher professionality: research and practical interventions in Europe and beyond” organised by Dr. David Frost.

Researching ‘with’ rather than ‘on’ teachers and others: transformation through dialogic learning. Seminar organized jointly with Dr. Rocío García-Carrión (Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow Cambridge University) in the HertsCam Annual Conference 2014 (University of Cambridge 25 April).

Reports and guidelines

Teacher Leadership in secondary education: effectiveness for school improvement. Report about the state of the art in terms of the international research about teacher leadership and their relationship with the school improvement.

Executive summary: Guidelines and contributions about the implementation of the communicative methodology in the area of teacher leadership and school improvement.